Friday, January 16, 2009

427 Silverado Concept

Padre Pio

The Capuchin monk, whose real name Francisco Forgione, has the distinction of having "experienced" virtually all miraculous phenomena related in the most wonderful stories of saints. But the facts are contemporary, some were seen by hundreds of people and many atheists, a priori skeptical or sarcastic, converted suddenly before the evidence of what he sees.
What were the performances of this extraordinary priest?
-Born in 1887 in Pietrelcina, near Naples, he asked 15 years to enter the Capuchin monastery. From the novitiate, he had extraordinary experiences of the demon who tortured him physically and prevented him from sleeping. This was only the beginning and throughout his life as parish priest of Ars, he had to face the devil. In 1915, he received the stigmata of Christ's passion, which earned him constant pain and walking difficulties, bleeding wound on the side as to fill a cup of blood per day. The wound does not of inflammation, it is clearly open. The stigma of hands and feet are covered with a thin skin that closes the gap on the location of the nails of the crucifixion, this gap is clearly palpable.
Many doctors, religious or not, have examined this phenomenon and there have found no explanation or analogy with some other medical fact.
spirituality of Father Pio also does miracles, or rather it is God who makes through it. Crowds come to his monastery in San Giovanni Rotondo for the penitents to confess and note with amazement that the father read in their hearts an open book: he reminds them of this event Hidden in their lives or refuses communion to someone who, among the crowd, is not in good standing with his conscience. During the celebration of Mass, which lasted sometimes three hours, his face expresses emotion from another world. It often pays a flood of tears or sweating profusely despite the cold. The spiritual turmoil it causes in its daily visitors are sometimes accompanied by miraculous healings. This was the case of an atheist doctor who vigorously denied the authority of the father suffering from cancer at the final stage, he finally accepted a visit from Father Pio caused his recovery and turned it into good Christian. Among the phenomena
the strangest cities about the father Pio, not least the case of bi-location ~. And a general about to commit suicide live shows a monk he had never seen his act and arrested.
Later, having learned of Father Pio, he went to the Monastery and recognized him as the monk who had come out of desperation, the father smiled and said "you a" have a narrow escape! In Actually, it happened that during his confession, he suddenly stop or turn as "absent" to regain his meeting several minutes later. As far as the extreme discretion of Father Pio help find out, it was very conscious of his "travel" and knew exactly where he went.
Father Pio has left for a final journey with God in 1968. Its convent has maintained a record of all facts which have appeared miraculous desdizaines pilgrims.

TV show "Unsolved Mysteries"

[58] MYSTERIES - Padre Pio
sent by Indiana-Jones30

Documentary Padre Pio on Part 1

Documentary on Padre Pio Part 2

Documentary on Padre Pio Part 3

Documentary on Padre Pio Part 4

Documentary Padre Pio Part 5

The body of Padre Pio was found in perfect condition after 40 years its mort.Ce is scientifically inexplicable yet.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Brazilian Wax Before And After Pic


Marthe Robin was born March 13, 1902, Châteauneuf-de-Galaure (Drôme), sixth child of a farming family. She studied at the village primary school until 1915, she left for work at home and fields.
Encephalitis "lethargic" seized in November 1918 and leaves in a coma for 27 months. At the age of twenty years Marthe Robin feels called, like all great mystics, to offer his life "for the conversion of sinners and sanctification of souls." 15 October 1925, discovering his particular vocation to suffering ("incomparable school of true love"), she devotes her life to God through an "act of abandonment to the love and the will of God": "My Lord God, you're asked your little servant, so take and receive all. On this day, I entrust myself to you unconditionally and irrevocably. " In 1926, relapse of his illness, his legs were paralyzed, she eats and just rest in bed.
In 1929 his arms are paralyzed in their turn. In 1930, she joined the Franciscan Third Order which it becomes a "consecrated virgin" in August. In late September, Jesus appeared to him and he receives the stigmata. She begins to experience the passion of Christ every day and more intensely, they say, Friday. His illness progresses to total paralysis of all four limbs and loss of sight in 1940: Marthe Robin remained for over fifty years in bed, without sleep, without drinking and eating only from the hosts.
In 1936, she invites "from God" Father Finet, deputy director of Catholic Education in Lyon to found a "Outbreak of love, Light and Love" to host spiritual retreats. This will be the first of the 75 institutions that have since emerged worldwide in over 40 countries.
Today, these communities "welcome and include men and women who, like the early Christians, are pooling their material, intellectual and spiritual."
Until his death, February 6, 1981, Martha, live in his room at the farm, in Châteauneuf-de-Galaure, where she will receive more than one hundred thousand visitors. Scores of people have testified that this meeting had their lot and that for some she changed their lives.
Many others around the world claim to have been influenced by reading about Marthe Robin.
Academician Jean Guitton said he met with Marthe most extraordinary person. The house where lived
Martha still receives many visitors.
The diocesan investigation for the beatification of Marthe Robin was opened by the Bishop of Valence (Drôme) in May 1991. It ended at Pentecost 1996, when the application was submitted to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome. It follows its course ...

Emission TV "30 mysterious stories"

TV show "Unsolved Mysteries"