Force 74, Police 74, 74 Prefecture, Taxation 74, Urssaf 74, organic 74, 74 Justice, EMHM, ENSA, 74, 74 Prefecture
= 666
Municipalities Charlet and Porter Township Chamonix.
Force 74, Police 74, 74 Prefecture, Taxation 74, Urssaf 74, organic 74, 74 Justice, EMHM, ENSA, 74, 74 Prefecture
= 666
Municipalities Charlet and Porter Township Chamonix.
Ivano Ghirardini, the first mountaineer to have successfully completed the Trilogy Solitaire Winter Great North Faces of the Alps: the Matterhorn, Grandes Jorasses, Eiger.
A feat accomplished during the 1977-78 winter, which caused much jealousy among the 1980 repeaters, which instead of attempting the next logical step, namely the direct lonely winter of major faces north, and lack of able to, cheat and steal preferred the label's most prestigious to date the conquest of the Alps. How many times we have to you one rehashed everything had been done in the Alps. Well, no, it still remains to make a trilogy of solo Directissime in winter, for example.
In the 1980s, the "Raiders" trilogy are:
Cesen the swindler, who has done nothing at all, remained holed up in his 4L and dreamed his ascents. A few serious journalists Vertical-magazine which cans head. You should swing night in bad weather on the Eiger, as the scammer Cesen claimed to have done, as at least he was sure of not being seen by anyone, for see what you can do. One thing is sure, we would be rid of you, once and for all, but this courage, you did not.
Profit, with its locations, its depositors, its recovery as the top of the Matterhorn. Tired of these nulloches the company of guides, Michel Charlet, Chirac and the "Gaullist". Tired of attorneys who Bonneville n'instruisent no complaints of forgeries.
So there remained only crooks Valley Chammonix than launching amalgam in their own way.
These linkages have led the Mountaineers to look more closely at the possibility of a sequence of three major north faces of the Alps, Les Grandes Jorasses, the Matterhorn and Eiger. These three faces north had been climbed during the same winter (1978), Ivano Ghiradhini by Tomo Cesen in one week in winter 1986 (see on this page regarding the history of the trilogy performed in the same winter). It would also be more accurate to speak of "cumulative" rather than "chains" ...
Seen on a site that talks about trilogy. You'll notice that Ghirardini is right next to Cesena to that in your head you do:
Ghirardini Cesen = = .... see what has been said about Cesen above.
is a manipulation technique well known. These bastards even want to invite Ghirardini Cesena and at the same time the tourist office for the photo! Fortunately, Athanatos Ghirardini warned in advance to accept the invitation to this trap.
------------------------- -------------------
REMINDERIvano Ghirardini had sought the protection of Athanatos Trilogy, 1977-78 before going to pray directly to Mount Olympus, Greece, following a ritual known only to himself and older than 3000 years. So blame him or the trilogy, gift Athanatos is precisely to be taken away Athanatos. Well hello to the morons who thought "evil"!
In ancient times, no fun to offend Athanatos. Socrates was condemned to death for less than that. Of course it was exaggerated, though .... given the collateral damage to the delight Athanatos.
attestaton of the Muslim faith is called the shahada.
certifies Audrey (live): "ana la ilaha ila Ach'adou lah wa ana ach'adou Rassouloulah Mohamed." (after) "I bear witness that no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is his messenger."
Mounir said after:
- "As soon as the person demonstrates that sentence is really sincere Muslim before God."
- "Yes, there is any reaction from" I do not understand "to" but you're crazy "..
- "I have been entitled to any sort of commentary that will be a farce that AC is seriously" Ben? " you go out with a Muslim you know it's dangerous hours? is he going to force you to wear the headscarf. "
In an interview with the string Arabia, she said: ".. I listened Anashid (Islamic religious songs) of these anaschids there were some who spoke of death and the Hell, Paradise, we are too attached to the world but this song goes to the truth ..
Arabia: What did you mean by that?
The other life!, I think. The truth is that we will all die and we live this life believing that she is eternal, it is always busy planning the future when we can die tomorrow ...
Angela Collins convert to Islam.
Fox News saying here is surprised a blonde? blue eyes? converted to Islam? :
Angela Collins a former actress of the series The OC Newport Beach or converted to Islam after September 11. Having studied Islam and the Quran exposed Angella Collins, "that what happened on September 11 has a relationship with the actions Only a few extremist individuals and not with Islam. Islam is innocent of such acts. And they led the Qur'an that gives real meaning to a God who deserves to be worshiped alone with no partner. This is the true message of God to all mankind .. "
Elizabeth Towers converted to Islam (now called al-Kasaby Safya).
Elizabeth Towers in the American Jewish origin.
" What I wanted was visit this country (Morocco) as an American tourist. And when I visited the mosque, I felt the serenity and peace in me so I loved Islam.
-Safya your first name and maiden name was Elizabeth Toweres.Pourquoi we do not keep the names instead of Safia al-Kasaby? Or Elisabeth al-Kasaby because it is the name of your husband?
Why the change? Is ... what does it depend on the insistence on identity, and that the names should be changed to other Islamic or Arabic?
"To my knowledge, there are a lot of freedom in Islam and what name (Safi) was offered to me in Marrakesh (Morocco).
I did not have to accept it but I really liked this name. And I had the choice to keep my old name but I chose the American Arabic name.
-Have you a final message to say Safya?
"I would say Lhamdo li Allah (Praise be to God) that I converted to Islam, Allah Glorified (Praise God) for this opportunitie this study and convert to Islam.
And I want to emphasize that the world must know and understand is that it happened on September 11 has no relation with any religion (Islam) and Insha Allah (God willing ) I feel I am a good American citizen, and this is a chance to seek knowledge, to open our brains and minds and learn from other religions ...
- Safya that this is other American Muslim should they do? ...
Do you have a message for the Muslims of America?
"The message is = that we continue to increase our belief and our faith to be a good Muslim and not abide. Sometimes I cry and feel the sadness but when I pray I feel good.
So I say to my brothers and sisters in Islam do not be afraid.
information from the show a whole history of Jean-Luc Delarue (end of October 2007) on France 2:
Madeleine converted to Islam now known Youna.
His parents lived in the UK, from a family Youna atheist "alias Madeleine embraced Islam and she wears the veil.
notament she said during her interview on the show "a history":
-"... My parents when they saw my photo with the veil it does have not understood ... "
It has the software "Athan Pro" (software that made the calls to prayer)
She said
-"... I hope one day I could see my parents without fear of their criticisms ... "
She is engaged to a Muslim and hopes to marry soon. "Insha Allah"
always result in the same issue Any story of Jean-Luc Delarue (in late October 2007) on France 2
Stephanie converted to Islam.
Stephanie 28, sales assistant. notament She said in her interview on the show "a history" (photo attached Stephanie and his mother on his right lower):
-"... AC allowed me to be more tolerant, my mother does not find me ... "
his mother retorted
-"... I find I tolerate and much much more patient ... I feel very proud of her ... "
Margueritte converted to Islam.
Texas ("E United States) in a mosque in Dallas full story in the mosque, between it is told that her sisters' she wishes to convert to Islam while the mosque echoed of Allah Akbar, or shortly thereafter, she proclaimed her shahada: "ana la ilaha ila Ach'adou lah wa ana Mohamed ach'adou Rassouloulah "(" I bear witness that no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is his messenger ")
Shaykh Khalid Yasin presented by the six young
women make their shahada: "ana la ilaha ila Ach'adou lah wa ana Mohamed ach'adou Rassouloulah" ("I testify that there is no God but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is his messenger") Khalid Yasin accompanied them in their shahada then comforted them, advise alternating sympathy and humor, reminding them "Whatever you did to is deleted from now finished it like that when you become a Muslim ..."
Naadir Rodriguez-Muhammad converted to Islam.
of Mexican origin is an American Christian of Chicago.
She's always asked questions of a spiritual
which she could not find the answers, now she has found Islam in all its responses.
Whitney Nicole converted to Islam.
American Chicago Christian faith and family.
"When I spoke my father after my conversion, he told me about the things I said oh terrorist? No? Hears you spoken? .. "