laura to 24 years of Jewish origin or the video it is explained: V http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/xg30r_moulayelhadi_convertit-a-lislam/video/x50u87_laura-juive-converti -a-lislam_news

Nicole Queen convert to Islam.
former Queen Nicole Christian Baptist Dallas converted to Islam in May 2007. Like other American, she drank, worked in nightclubs, was photography. But it happened one day when she began to ask many questions and needed change. She began take a look at Islam in response to suggestions from his friends. Islam fascinated her and she could stay until 4 am on his computer to read and watched videos of American converts to Islam. She was not looking to be told what to believe but she wanted to understand why these people adhered to Islam. She finally accepted the message of Islam and never look back, she decides to change everything in her life to fit the Islamic way of life. It was not difficult for her because she understood why she was doing and why she did this or that. Is mother knew she was reading a lot about Islam but she never imagined she would do it and it would be converted, and she was surprised the day she did. She did not accept it at first, but when she saw how her daughter was before she became and how the faith that animates today, she was happier and it became easier for her. Many of his friends were surprised also change, some were even touched, and they respected the most choices.
Catherine Luehr converted to Islam.

Originally from Germany, an assistant in a clinic, she says (in German) is

his converting to Islam in a broadcast German Focus.

El the is accompanied by her husband Dr. Kal Luehr which is also converted. In this interview, she recounts her spiritual search and path makes it well this thirst for learning led him to cross notament Islam or she found the answers.
news at France 24.
Salima converted to Islam.

Salima: "Me, j'trouve that the law is fairly restrictive

voice of the journalist:" This enterprise did not inherited nor any members of his family
his father see the Muslim woman as subject.
Salima: "The only thing we are is God after we submitted is subject to neither a husband nor a father or a brother as you might think there is a difference between culture and worship.
From the Journal de France 3:
Reporter: ".. the decision by 30 000 to 70 000 people in France to convert this Islam are mostly women who make this choice for reasons
is what Pierre Nicolas and Jean Michel Mire asked two of them .. "
Geraldine converted to Islam.

Way journalist: "Geraldine is proud
proud Breton
proud to be French
and proud to be Muslim.
(Geraldine manager in a mutual insurance). Today when she walks with her children in this city

of Essonne is the mosque that attracts more before the church during World Youth Day it Launches hours .. the cross shot.
snub the Vatican is on August 15 last enjoy

Since she wears the veil that her daughter found her mother

"Before my conversion it took me more for a French woman easily ... so let's say that someone really will and it dredged tout.Depuis my veil that I am Muslim I am a woman you respect and a sister. "
Geraldine admits it needs regulatory and Islam gives him.
(Continued report) Valerie converted to Islam.

Way journalist: "The conversion of Valerie is older.
doctoral student, PhD in Sustainable dévellopement Logement.Elle that step 2 years ago, we can not say that his parents are reacting badly but it was not the mad
enthusiasm in the family. She says,
"I would not say that the AC was interrested huh?!
ie I do not think it is a
person in my family read an ets book

Islam since my conversion is done or any recherche.C is rather stop us drunk with ca. "
melma Before becoming Muslim Valerie was shocked
by the headscarf ban at
school, also shocked by a world
too materialistic Western

She said "What shocks me the pus that is what we value the
person actually ... ie we are competitive in the market
even if it is a little shark, RSS or Hustler is not it not
matter if it is competitive if it is to sell all about trade

When the opportunity arises Valerie marry a Muslim
the Qur'an leaves him little choice if they have children together it will educate them according to the values of Islam.
Audrey converted to Islam.

Originally Canadians in Quebec.
Audrey said (in a story on it):
- "I ca religion was the trigger ... I could not imagine
(before) that life is the religon ammenée was?? or
by One God?. I'm not arrive one day and

I yelled to everyone "Hey! everyone I'm Muslim!? ". It is not go like that, it gradually ...
more I read (speaking of the Holy Quran) and the more I said it
certainly is the truth.
and it''s the answer to all answers

the acceptance of others ... "
After that discovery of Islam, Audrey met Mounir a Muslim, a few weeks more later the couple invited him again friends and families at their weddings.

Mounir said

- "I do not say he is bin if you want to get married you have to convert you ... if you force someone to convert to any religion after the AC could turn against us after the relgion is a Laws of Attraction. "

... To embrace this religion just say so sincere
attestaton of the Muslim faith is called the shahada.
certifies Audrey (live): "ana la ilaha ila Ach'adou lah wa ana ach'adou Rassouloulah Mohamed." (after) "I bear witness that no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is his messenger."
Mounir said after:
- "As soon as the person demonstrates that sentence is really sincere Muslim before God."
- "Yes, there is any reaction from" I do not understand "to" but you're crazy "..
- "I have been entitled to any sort of commentary that will be a farce that AC is seriously" Ben? " you go out with a Muslim you know it's dangerous hours? is he going to force you to wear the headscarf. "
's friend Audrey
-" what I surprises throughout AC y'know that we were friends then because of religion ... they'll put aside That's what makes me me respond ... "
Mounir said
-" We're living in a world of prejudice is stronger than I think we
to be tolerated, it comes from ignorance because it's really
a religion that is to respect the choices of men and
woman and say that there is no compulsion ... "
Mother of Audrey (photo attached to his parents):

It's never stopped to discuss its adherence to Islam because for us it did not seem to be too serious at first, but over his back and the more we realize that something is going seriously. "
Father of Audrey
- "... So if the Muslim religion makes her happy as best

ie in 4 years in 5 years . Is he going to have some
balance between what she has lived the values we

then the values of the Muslim religion. "
Audrey said
- "I'll be at the place of my parents, I think I
will be glad to finally see that their daughter became still wiser and more concienseuse. "
For Audrey wearing the headscarf in public has always represented

- "I have not seen my parents with foular, gonna be envious step upcoming recess (laughter). Contrary to what people think is not control the man on the woman but more the opposite ..
. That is the woman doing that it controls the look of man upon it .. j'pense any Muslim woman who does by submission to man lmais by tender to God. "
Katherine converted to Islam.

Katherine Dallas is an American convert to Islam after the 9 / 11 (/ 2001).
in fact it is only since two Muslim semaines.Elle had the privilege of studying

at Texas Christian University, she took tennis lessons and works in public relations.
"You know, she says, it's a big change will come step by step, I will builds upon my spiritual side and the sooner the better but it will surely come."
Nadia board (see photo-cons):

... Has

She said: "In Islam it is important to guide the newcomer ..

Kamar converted to Islam.

Her husband is a convert to Islam and said:
"I am in Islam and if you want to stay Jewish is who you chose, I love you and I love
my children cons I found in Islam. "
After discussion Kamar sought what is Islam? and read the Koran and soon after it converted to Islam.

Kamar said: "I feel better than before, I'm happy, my entourage is very surprised
shocked, they were not very happy and were wondering questions like "How did you
life changed?" then after that no more hit me, that I did not mind. "
Kamar and his family now live in Jerusalem.

What can you tell the wife Muslim?
"She must be strong and read the Koran because he found there the wonderful things that are invalid by elsewhere."
Susan Carland (Australian) converted to Islam.

Flanjin journalist Martin is interviewed by Susan Susan Carland.Les parents separated when she was seven, and she went to live with her mother she describes as strong and sweet. She credits her mother a high influence on his life. His mother was Catholic and strongly believes in the radical ideas of the faithful as John Shelby Spong. When Susan was a child, his parents were members of the United Church.

A Dutch convert to Islam.
In an interview with the string Arabia, she said: ".. I listened Anashid (Islamic religious songs) of these anaschids there were some who spoke of death and the Hell, Paradise, we are too attached to the world but this song goes to the truth ..
Arabia: What did you mean by that?
The other life!, I think. The truth is that we will all die and we live this life believing that she is eternal, it is always busy planning the future when we can die tomorrow ...
Angela Collins convert to Islam.
Fox News saying here is surprised a blonde? blue eyes? converted to Islam? :
Angela Collins a former actress of the series The OC Newport Beach or converted to Islam after September 11. Having studied Islam and the Quran exposed Angella Collins, "that what happened on September 11 has a relationship with the actions Only a few extremist individuals and not with Islam. Islam is innocent of such acts. And they led the Qur'an that gives real meaning to a God who deserves to be worshiped alone with no partner. This is the true message of God to all mankind .. "
Elizabeth Towers converted to Islam (now called al-Kasaby Safya).
Elizabeth Towers in the American Jewish origin.
" What I wanted was visit this country (Morocco) as an American tourist. And when I visited the mosque, I felt the serenity and peace in me so I loved Islam.
-Safya your first name and maiden name was Elizabeth Toweres.Pourquoi we do not keep the names instead of Safia al-Kasaby? Or Elisabeth al-Kasaby because it is the name of your husband?
Why the change? Is ... what does it depend on the insistence on identity, and that the names should be changed to other Islamic or Arabic?
"To my knowledge, there are a lot of freedom in Islam and what name (Safi) was offered to me in Marrakesh (Morocco).
I did not have to accept it but I really liked this name. And I had the choice to keep my old name but I chose the American Arabic name.
-Have you a final message to say Safya?
"I would say Lhamdo li Allah (Praise be to God) that I converted to Islam, Allah Glorified (Praise God) for this opportunitie this study and convert to Islam.
And I want to emphasize that the world must know and understand is that it happened on September 11 has no relation with any religion (Islam) and Insha Allah (God willing ) I feel I am a good American citizen, and this is a chance to seek knowledge, to open our brains and minds and learn from other religions ...
- Safya that this is other American Muslim should they do? ...
Do you have a message for the Muslims of America?
"The message is = that we continue to increase our belief and our faith to be a good Muslim and not abide. Sometimes I cry and feel the sadness but when I pray I feel good.
So I say to my brothers and sisters in Islam do not be afraid.
information from the show a whole history of Jean-Luc Delarue (end of October 2007) on France 2:
Madeleine converted to Islam now known Youna.
His parents lived in the UK, from a family Youna atheist "alias Madeleine embraced Islam and she wears the veil.
notament she said during her interview on the show "a history":
-"... My parents when they saw my photo with the veil it does have not understood ... "
It has the software "Athan Pro" (software that made the calls to prayer)
She said
-"... I hope one day I could see my parents without fear of their criticisms ... "
She is engaged to a Muslim and hopes to marry soon. "Insha Allah"
always result in the same issue Any story of Jean-Luc Delarue (in late October 2007) on France 2
Stephanie converted to Islam.
Stephanie 28, sales assistant. notament She said in her interview on the show "a history" (photo attached Stephanie and his mother on his right lower):
-"... AC allowed me to be more tolerant, my mother does not find me ... "
his mother retorted
-"... I find I tolerate and much much more patient ... I feel very proud of her ... "
Since she is both Muslim

Margueritte converted to Islam.
Texas ("E United States) in a mosque in Dallas full story in the mosque, between it is told that her sisters' she wishes to convert to Islam while the mosque echoed of Allah Akbar, or shortly thereafter, she proclaimed her shahada: "ana la ilaha ila Ach'adou lah wa ana Mohamed ach'adou Rassouloulah "(" I bear witness that no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is his messenger ")
Six young women convert to Islam in the United States.

Shaykh Khalid Yasin presented by the six young
women make their shahada: "ana la ilaha ila Ach'adou lah wa ana Mohamed ach'adou Rassouloulah" ("I testify that there is no God but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is his messenger") Khalid Yasin accompanied them in their shahada then comforted them, advise alternating sympathy and humor, reminding them "Whatever you did to is deleted from now finished it like that when you become a Muslim ..."

Magalie converted to Islam.
Auvergnate raised in the French tradition

"I am reassured people, the veil is not a form of domination over his wife's husband or father to his daughter when wearing the veil on its own Volonteer I recall it well for closer God to meet the demand that Islamic modesty God in the Koran, I tell you this is something that is done with faith the veil is a culmination of the faith. "

Julie converted to Islam.

Naadir Rodriguez-Muhammad converted to Islam.
of Mexican origin is an American Christian of Chicago.
She's always asked questions of a spiritual
which she could not find the answers, now she has found Islam in all its responses.
Whitney Nicole converted to Islam.
American Chicago Christian faith and family.
"When I spoke my father after my conversion, he told me about the things I said oh terrorist? No? Hears you spoken? .. "