Life extraordianire Theresese of Neumann (see below) is an element of the most convincing of the existence of God.
Therese Neumann, the religious authorities visited or went out for many years was a great mystic. After his poor but happy childhood, she lived a youth devoted to hard farm work and service in a cabaret. She knew then, and for six years, heavy disabilities: blindness, paralysis, and painful diseases. Then came a few months, the sudden and total healing. Finally came the unexpected and stigma. For over thirty years Therese Neumann did not eat anything and she could not drink either. During this period she relived every week, the Passion of Jesus, which she retained the stigma.
Therese Neumann presents itself to us as a great mystic whose mission was to let the world know the value of the Eucharist, the Cross, and redemptive suffering. Since the Enlightenment, mysticism [1], even in clerical circles, is almost always suspected. The refusal to believe or accept the mystical phenomena has become as a general rule. Is it to add to the suffering that the Lord shared widely to all those who have dedicated their lives? Maybe! But what is certain is that the mystic is a grace and gift of God which is only granted to small and humble, the imitation of Christ Jesus.
Anyway, it is clear that Therese Neumann was a genuine mystic who continues to lead us simply to the Eucharist and the Cross. Suffering, accepted in a spirit of sacrifice, Teresa was to slow the purification that took him into the mystical path to enlightenment.
Life of Therese Neumann
1-1 and youth-L'enfance
Therese Neumann, familiarly called Andrew, was born in Bavaria, Konnersreuth, Good Friday April 8, 1898, in a family poor but worthy: the father was a tailor and also owned a farm whose maintenance was provided by Ms. Neumann. Theresa was baptized on Easter of that year. Eldest of nine children, she quickly gained an exceptional maturity.
Like all members of her family, Therese was particularly robust and healthy constitution. At school, she showed herself a gifted student and attentive, always getting the best seats. It was a happy child, active, and very pious, who showed an early desire to become a religious missionary. Nothing, apparently, not distinguished it from other kids his age, if she showed a deep horror of lies.
We learned much later that she enjoyed a special grace on the day of his first communion and that on several occasions she had the privilege to communicate remotely. Only the priest of his village, Father Naber, who was the lead until the end of his life, had knowledge of these amazing facts.
At the age of 14, Theresa was placed in a local family as farm servant, to help work the fields and serve the consumers of coffee held by the family. During the war of 1914-18, as many rural women, she worked hard to replace men gone to war. She plowed, harrowed, sowed, reaped, wielded heavy sacks of grain or potatoes, as did the solid men of the region. Already entirely to God, waiting to enter the convent, she began totally to the service of his neighbor.
Note: Theresa read little. His entire adolescence was nourished only by the teachings of St. Francis de Sales and St. Therese of Lisieux.
1-2-The first accident
On 10 March 1918, a fire broke out in the village. Theresa gave the alarm and stood in line to fight the disaster. Standing on a stool, she was to receive the buckets full of water (10 to 25 kg) and then dump them onto the flames. To do this he must continually fall and rise again. Suddenly she could not get up and dropped the bucket she was: she had to relinquish the spine, but she did not know it yet. After a few days off she began to work a little, but in early April, she fell backwards, was injured at the base of the skull and began to decline.
August 1, back down a ladder, she missed a step and fell again. Three weeks later, a new falls ... His eyesight continued to decline and in August, she could not read. On 19 October the same year 1918, new drop, new wound to the skull. Finally, March 17, 1919, after falling a fifth, Therese became completely blind. She was 21.
1-3-mysterious diseases
From now on the life of Teresa will become a constant nightmare. At these events were added heavy contractor terrible cramps and torturing all parts of his body. Then came other ailments often baffling his doctors: limb deformities, discharge of pus in his ears, upset stomach, paralysis progresses until 1919, all without counting deep wounds festering sores forming destroying flesh. In 1925, gangrene had settled in the left foot, a surgeon consider amputation. But that did not happen: the Savior had other plans ...
also Therese became, by periods, deaf and dumb. In 1919, it was only a stinking flesh thrown on a bed of pain. Yet she accepted everything, saying: "Anything that comes from God is my good: healing the sick, as he pleases!" Or again: "Anything that comes from the Lord pleases me: every flower, every bird, or even any new pain, my greatest joy I found in the Saviour!"
1-4-inexplicable healings
The health of Therese Neumann had become incurable, horrible, you could even ask how she managed to live, overwhelmed by so much pain that doctors knew appease. But here is what will happen in September inexplicable healings, instant and final.
- April 29, 1923, when Teresa was completely blind for four years and one month and a half at 6:00 in the morning, suddenly, the sight came back: it was the end of a novena that Teresa had begun to obtain the beatification of Teresa of Lisieux
- In a fit of painful cramps, gangrenous wound on his left foot, which was to be amputated as soon as possible, found himself completely cured, just hours after the we had applied over the rose petals that touched the tomb of the little Therese of the Child Jesus was May 3, 1925.
- Since October 1918, Theresa was almost completely paralyzed. On May 17, 1925, the day of the canonization of St. Therese Martin Therese Neumann found himself suddenly enveloped in light and began to cry. Suddenly she sat up and, after a long trance during which she spoke with an invisible person, she got up and started walking. Theresa stood very straight, she could only sit and stand without pain: her spine had returned intact.
- November 13, 1925. Theresa is at the point with a purulent appendicitis. At his request, he applied a relic of St. Therese and she began praying. Suddenly she opened her eyes, sat up and stretched out his hands to an invisible person saying "Yes!" repeatedly. Resl later told his priest, Father Naber asked him if it was still the little Therese who came to help her: "Yes, and she told me to immediately go to church to thank God .. . A hand appeared to me, I wanted to seize it, but I did not finish. It was a thin white hand ... The first three fingers were extended, others closed ... and there was a pure light where a voice that I recognized well, told me: 'So that the world recognizes that there is a higher power, you will not need to be made. Get up and go to church, but immediately, immediately, to thank the Lord. You will have much to suffer ... You do not scare thee, nor suffering inside. On this condition only that you can contribute to the salvation of souls. You need more and more to die to yourself. Keep your childlike simplicity. "What surprised everyone is the immediacy healing.
- November 19, 1926. Acute bronchitis that Theresa had contracted had developed into double pneumonia. November 26 was a Friday and Teresa was already living the pain of the Passion, as usual. Theresa was dying. They called him Father Naber who administered the Extreme Unction. It was 6 o'clock in the evening the members grew cold, her skin took the color of ashes: it was the end. Therese suddenly sat up in bed, stretched his hands forward towards the familiar voice that spoke to him again: "The Lord is pleased to see you so referred. Thou shalt not die. All this came to show the world that there is a higher power. You will suffer even more, to support priests in the work of salvation of souls. "Therese was again the subject of an instant cure.
The next day, Therese resumed his activities. She was freed from all ills had been bedridden for over six years.
- In these inexplicable cures naturally, we should add another healing: from 7 to 13 July 1940, Theresa suffered several strokes. For nine days remained e1le in a state of semi-consciousness, half-paralyzed. Then, when the vision of the Assumption, all the sequels due to apoplexy disappeared. Therese says: "When the Mother of God came floating from the grave with the angels, she smiled at me. She floated toward me and held his right hand on the left side of my head. While visions when I felt nothing from Outside, he passed on the right side of my body, like a violent electric shock. I raised my hand to grasp hers. "
1-5-Other extraordinary phenomena
Therese Neumann's life was marked by astonishing phenomena. We quickly reported healings Theresa was extraordinary that beneficiary. We discuss later its stigma and its fast which lasted 35 years. We will mention some of the strange facts that accompanied Teresa throughout her earthly journey.
Teresa, penetrating into the designs of God, began to realize that she was destined to a life of suffering and repair, and she tried to load the next tests. An example: his father, Mr Neumann, could no longer work because of his rheumatism. Therese asked God to give him the evil of her father: she was answered. The father recovered, and Theresa assumed rheumatism ...
The following facts were recalled by Anni Spiegl, a friend of Therese Neumann who had witnessed many extraordinary events experienced by the latter:
- One day, Dr. Wutz had celebrated Mass in his private chapel and dedicated two wafers, and Ferninand for Odile, a sister and a brother of Theresa. At the time of communion, there was only one host. Teresa soon gave him the explanation. Having been unable to attend the Mass, despite his immense desire to meet Jesus, she was transported in spirit to the oratory of the house Wutz at Eichstät, where the celebrated teacher. Theresa attended the Mass, in spirit, and communicated ... In the same way she attended the coronation ceremonies of the Pope in Rome, and various canonization. She then recounted what she had seen, with many details that could then be verified.
- Theresa discerned priests who had abandoned their priesthood.
- She knew instinctively where the Blessed Sacrament was in church or chapel where she entered. She discerned the true relics of saints, false.
- It predicted in advance that Dr. Graber, a professor at the University of Eischtätt would one day be the bishop of that city.
- A young theology student was suffering from very severe tuberculosis of the throat. Taking pity, during Christmas 1922, Teresa prayed to the Lord to give him the disease in exchange for the healing of this young seminarian. Theresa was soon suffering from a sore throat that caused her to suffer long. But from that day, Teresa could never swallow any solid food. The young student finally healed and was ordained priest. The day he celebrated his first Mass, June 30, 1931, Therese was freed from her sore throat.
- During the Nazi period, the friends of Teresa Circle Konnersreuth had prepared an action nighttime anti-Nazi propaganda for the same evening. Theresa was suddenly rapt in ecstasy; returned to normal she cried: "Give up what you intend to do tonight, because there is danger." Odile, her sister was appalled, but she immediately burned all the documents that had been so laboriously printed. Fortunately, because the next morning Gestapo arose in the store Anni, looking for writing against the regime.
- The Feast of All Saints, Therese saw all her relatives and friends died. She saw them in the guise it was known, but radiant with happiness.
Therese Neumann lived in an intimate union with the Savior. For thirty five years, besides the terrible visions of the Passion of Jesus Christ, she had the grace to contemplate the life of Jesus on earth, and miracles. She saw the country where he lived, worked and moved, and the people around him. She knew their habits and heard speak their language, Aramaic. She lived the scenes tours of the Magi, the slaughter of innocents, the flight into Egypt, lives in Nazareth and most episodes of the public life of Jesus. Theresa looked at many stages of the life of Mary after the resurrection of Jesus, especially to Ephesus with St. John, "and then to Jerusalem where, at the end of his earthly life, she was raised, body and soul, into heaven." Teresa also witnessed the stoning of St. Stephen. She witnessed the preaching and martyrdom of the apostles and numerous saints.
During her ecstasies, Therese Neumann lost consciousness of his surroundings physically, but, curiously, his senses felt what was happening in places where the carrying ecstasy. The terms of her body or her face betrayed her feelings: cold, heat, odors, etc. ... Teresa was there, physically, as a spectator of the scene contemplated. So she bent if an object concealed her what she wanted to see.
Regarding the Aramaic language she spoke and understood during her ecstasies, as well as his geographical knowledge of Jerusalem at the time of Christ, Baron von Erwein Aretino could write:
"... It is established that the ecstasies reveal pre-existing knowledge that is neither in the interest, nor in any witnesses. Resl appears here as being entirely under the influence of an external force is not perceptible by the senses .
This also applies to the aspect of her ecstasies. With an unparalleled brutality, sometimes in conversation ... the ecstasy burst with a bang, tear it from his pillows, often physically implausible positions under the laws of gravity ... All sensitivity has disappeared from his body.
1-7-The final years and death of Therese Neumann
1-7 1-The last work Therese Neumann: the Theresianum
Despite its stigma and the Passion of Jesus that she was reliving every week from Thursday evening to Sunday morning, despite his total and prolonged fasting, Therese lived normally, receiving many visitors, taking part in field work , nursing the sick, and reserving the task of decorating the church. However, towards the end of his life, we detected angina pectoris. Is it because of this that, from 1961, the Lord's mercy space painful visions of Friday? However
activities Theresa continued. During the summer of 1962, Bishop Rudolph Graber, Bishop Konnersreuth asked Theresa to work with him in the erection of a monastery dedicated to perpetual adoration [2]. She chose the Sisters of Caramel to lay the foundations for the new congregation. Two ladies Konnersruth gave him the necessary land to build the new convent Konnerseuth and Theresa managed to find the necessary funds for its construction.
This monastery was called "Theresianum" in honor of the little St. Teresa. The first stone was laid April 28, 1963. Five months after laying the first stone on Theresianum was spent, but Teresa Neumann was dead.
It is worth quoting a few lines of Bishop Graber about the monastery: "The Father seeks worshipers ... Is not it strange that here, precisely should set itself up this place of worship, not away from the Iron Curtain, so not far from those places where God is not worshiped and where we idolize material. immaterial that the engineers do so many other discoveries, they send their radiation on the earth and that their rockets roam the western and eastern hemispheres: the radiation mystical prayer and grace are infinitely stronger than all other natural radiation. They lead humanity to life, eternal life, the divine life. "
1-7 2-The death of Theresa
Theresa had stayed at Eichstätt of 6 to 12 August 1962 to study and prepare the foundation of Theresianum . She came back from 8 to 10 September 1962 to settle the estate of his sister Odile, a former housekeeper of Professor Wutz. On Thursday, Sept. 13 she worked again in the ornamentation of the church for the feast of the Exaltation Holy Cross and Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary. They suffered from a severe sore throat. On Friday 14, the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, his stigmata were very painful. The next day, Saturday, September 15, Feast of the Seven Sorrows of Mary, she rose to 6 ½ hours to go to Mass, but the myocardial infarction brutally felled. On Tuesday, September 18, 1962, Father Naber gave him communion at 10:30. At noon, Therese Neumann joined her Lord she loved so much.
Saturday 22 it was the funeral. The crowd came to support Theresa was estimated at 7,000 people. Is this a coincidence? The birds of the aviary Therese Neumann, pigeons and doves of the gutter, had become silent ...
2 INED (perpetual fast and total)
From August 6, 1926, Feast of the Transfiguration of Jesus, Therese already stopped eating since the end of 1922, also stopped drinking. Until the end of his life, that is to say, for thirty five years, it does not absorb food [3], neither solid nor liquid. Natural eliminations also stopped.
Many people, many of whom had never come up Keunnersreuth, never tired to contest these facts, suggesting that it was fraud ... Strict controls were imposed so Theresa, which she submitted with great patience and humility. Naturally, nothing suspicious was never detected. Theresa does that really fed the Eucharist.
Strangely for each bloody ecstasy of the Passion, Teresa lost about five pounds she recovered quickly, without eating ...
Teresa was constantly surrounded by many people. She was traveling and was often invited by friends. As she was very robust constitution, it could hardly conceal his hunger. But eating it became absolutely impossible.
Furthermore, Teresa slept little, one or two hours a night. Yet, apart from its painful periods of ecstasy bloody, was engaged in normal activities of a German peasant of the time, except to work too hard for it became impossible because of its stigma. Around midnight, she went to church to pray for an hour, then returned to his room to read his mail, very large, and that until four o'clock in the morning. Then she stretched up to six hours and was preparing to attend mass at seven o'clock. After Mass, the normal course of its day resumed.
Note: The schedule of Teresa was often disrupted by the ecstasies, visions unannounced, travel or illness. Teresa, in fact, might be sick like everyone else, and is cared for properly.
3 Stigma
3-1-The first stigma, partial
This happened at the beginning of Lent 1926, during carnival celebrations. Suddenly, Therese began to suffer from severe headaches. As usual, she offered all her sufferings in atonement for the sins of those days. During the night of Thursday to Friday, she suddenly looked the Savior in Gethsemane ... Jesus fixed his gaze on her and Teresa felt a great pain in his heart. At the same time she felt something hot dripping from his heart was the blood that poured from a wound located close to his heart. On Saturday, the wound was closed.
The following week the same thing was repeated, but Teresa looked Savior of Gethsemane to his flogging. The wound in his heart bled again. On the night of Holy Thursday to Good Friday, Resl in ecstasy, all attended the Passion of Jesus, from Gethsemane to death on the Cross. His heart was bleeding profusely, and stigma appeared for the first time on his hands and his feet. Theresa thought himself ill again, for she had never heard stigmata. The good priest Naber and his family were alarmed. We tried to heal the wounds Alas! Unnecessarily.
3-2-The other stigma
Good Friday 1927 Teresa received the stigmata on the inner surfaces of the hands and feet, she did not understand what was happening ... During the year 1927 she received the stigmata of the crown of thorns, then in 1928 on the right shoulder, the stigma of carrying the Cross. Finally, March 25, 1929 (Friday), she was marked for the first time, the scars of flogging.
Stigma lasted thirty-six years. These wounds will never s'infectèrent. They opened over the passions that Teresa lived with the Savior, then covered with a skin surface. Visions occur every Friday, except between Easter and Sacred Heart. In recent years, apart from Fridays of Lent, these passions have produced more than the first Friday of each month.
Teresa took a long time to get used to the pain of enduring stigma that bothered the lot in his work. She had to wear special shoes in order to walk almost normally.
3-3-Passion for and experienced by Therese Neumann
Thousands of witnesses were able to follow all stages of the Passion of Christ by following the facial expressions of Teresa in ecstasy.
- after the crowning of thorns, we saw efforts to pull the thorns where the white kerchief she always wore was stained with blood.
- During the flogging, traces of blood appeared on his shirt the night. During the behavior of the Cross, his shoulder began to bleed.
- During the crucifixion, the hands of Theresa contracted, his feet were bleeding. She suffered much from thirst. You could see his eyes move in several directions. Then Therese collapsing, apparently dead. Only in the evening or after the vision of the Resurrection that Therese Neumann was returning to normal, but deeply collected.
A particular phenomenon rendered visions of Fridays, especially on Fridays of Lent particularly dramatic: the tears of blood. In its ecstasies, Therese Neumann attended the Passion of Jesus and suffered the pain. Then she wept tears of blood which impressed both the spectators. Theresa really lived the Passion of Jesus, and this was visible in his gestures and expressions of his face.
There were pauses in raptures painful during which Teresa lived and attended the Passion of Christ. Then she could answer questions put to him, and we never could catch her out or to contradict itself. Then, suddenly, a new ecstasy obvious: the Passion of Jesus back to normal, that of Teresa also ...
Like Jesus, Teresa came and lived in agony the last stages of the life of Jesus, then it was death: "It is finished!" could be read on his lips. Teresa seemed to be really dead. She never returned to normal in the evening. However, after his "death" Friday, Therese was again not really herself after the vision of the Resurrection of Jesus.
Notes: During her ecstasies, Therese completely lost the concept of the outside world, and knew not even move in her room. Note
Therese Neumann kept visible in the flesh, the scars of the nails, hands and feet, the spear and crown of thorns. Some days other stigmata appeared, right shoulder, and traces of the flogging.
4 Other details of the visions and mystical states of individuals Teresa
4-1-Some details on visions of Therese Neumann Therese Neumanm
benefited many other visions on the Old and New Testaments and the lives of several saints. After the visions, Theresa was able to give details of astonishing accuracy and truthfulness on the topography, the monuments, the area she had "visited". She could even give details on the clothing of those with whom she came to "live" ... While she was receiving her visions also sounds, smells, temperatures and even places where she "found" in spirit. It included language characters she "met" several times and it corrected the faults of these ancient languages teachers who attended his ecstasies, including Professor Wutz. And Teresa kept in his heart and his memory and everything she had lived in her visions.
These phenomena may surprise us, are not articles of faith. Nevertheless, it is often surprised by geographical and historical details that a simple peasant culture was not capable of giving. But is it any wonder that God can give some mystics can "see" the past? God is outside of creation, and out of time. For him, everything is in his eternal present, our past, our present and our future are still today the eternal God.
4-2 mystic-state individuals
Apart from its ecstasies and its normal state, Therese Neumann could also find themselves in very specific statements. Several of these states have been carefully described by Father Naber and Professor Wutz.
4-2-1-Status of delight or absorption [4] This state
followed each vision, immediately after the end of ecstasy. Teresa remained absorbed by what she had just experienced, and "it is then that questioned and she spoke as a very naive child, four or five years. "Mainly it was still under the sway of his total vision, and yet the answers she gave to the questions of who the around him were an absolute objectivity.
4-2-2-Status of elevated resting
A particular condition experienced by Therese Neumann, a state that is sometimes called "quiescent state raised", appeared after absorption and was short-lived. Theresa forces were renewed, and the expression on his face and his voice returns to normal. Then she speaking in German while she usually spoke only dialect Bavarian. It is at such moments it seemed to possess, and actually possessed, knowledge beyond his reach, responding to the toughest questions. This quiescent state is also presented with elevated Theresa after his communion.
's when she was in this state of elevated resting, as Theresa could read the inmost thoughts (gift of cardiognosie). Then she could unmask the bad or false priests and bishops even fake ... She was also aware of the fate the souls of the dead. In this state of elevated resting Theresa was able to recognize the true false relics. (Gift of hiérognose)
Therese Neumann was, as has been said above, the gift of understanding foreign languages, including ancient languages such as Aramaic, when she was ecstatic, and then repeat them, but only when she was elevated at rest.
Therese Neumann also had the ability to see and hear remote in time and space, the facts that she had to know. Thus, Therese could sometimes attend, bilocation mind or, at a Mass in a church where she was not physically present. Many checks have been made.
4-3-The expiatory suffering and other charisms
4-3-1-expiatory suffering
Teresa had the right to take upon herself the sufferings and sins of others to cooperate in the salvation of souls. When she took over her illness, she had all the symptoms, while the real patient is immediately relieved. The result was that no one around her when she seemed more worried about getting sick: it was no longer for the doctor and we waited until she heals suddenly what was happening when the person for whom Theresa had obtained pardons suffered unwanted or had converted. Teresa once explained to Dr. Guerlich: "Listen! The savior is just. Therefore he must punish. He is also merciful and he is willing to help us. The sin that was committed, he must punish him, but if Another take on the suffering, justice is done, and the Savior obtained the freedom of his goodness. "
4-3 2-Other charisms
- Gift of Prophecy
This charism, the relatives of Teresa contrived to keep hidden. But we know, however, some very important cases: Therese including predicted in advance, the fall of National Socialism, and sometimes it alerted those whose lives were threatened by persecution hithlériennes. So the Father Ingbert Naab could escape prosecution by the Gestapo. She also announced unannounced visits.
- levitation and bi-location
Several witnesses reportedly found that during the ecstasies, Therese Neumann was elevated from 15 to 20 inches above the ground. Regarding the bi-location, we know at least one case absolutely certain: that of a who wanted desperately to throw herself under a train one night in the forest. At the moment he was rushing back on track when the train arrived at full speed, someone pulled him back: it was Teresa, who strongly encouraged him to go find the cure Naber. The suicide bomber was saved!
4-3 3-Relationship with the guardian angels
Therese Neumann perceived the presence of his guardian angel. She saw him when she was ecstatic. He was beside her, his right, as a being of light. She heard him when he spoke, and she understood. In certain circumstances, the guardian angel Teresa came to his aid. She also saw the angels of his interlocutors, and these are the ones who showed him what she should know about the hidden life of its visitors, or their moods, and inspired her the advice she would pass on.
4-3 4-Eucharistic Phenomena
We know that on several occasions, Therese Neumann communion at a distance. Less well known by cons, she lived only on the presence of the Eucharist: she herself said "she was living the Savior." Indeed, it was found, on numerous occasions that the species of consecrated bread remained intact in the body of Theresa. Was the presence of Jesus that keeping her alive. But when the plot of the host she had received the day before was digested, it must communicate very quickly because she fainted. If the priest was too alerted to expect when a consecrated host was naturally to her, and Teresa went into ecstasy and found his strength and normal appearance ...
5 Therese Neumann and Hitler
The advent of Hitler unleashed persecution against the Church, Catholic Charities and youth were banned. Regarding Therese Neumann, the must know that Hitler hated especially since, inspiring faith in the German Catholics, it had become a threat to the regime of National Socialism. Hitler could have wiped Theresa, but too superstitious, he never dared to attack directly, preferring to do the job by his militia. Yet curiously, all attempts failed Teresa cons ... She even escaped an attack by tanks carried out against his village Konnersreuth.
We give here some examples.
5-1-Circle Konnersreuth
Dr. Frans Xavier Wutz, professor at the University of Eichstätt keen sense of words spoken in Aramaic Teresa during her ecstasies, and, therefore, he was convinced of the authenticity of the facts of Konnersreuth. Therese's family befriended Dr. Wutz and Therese could make several extended stays in his house: Dr. Wutz wanted deepen the Aramaic language, and sometimes corrected his Theresa "corrections." During the 3rd Reich, a circle of friends was formed in the house Wutz and became a core of resistance against Hitler's regime. Several members of this circle were captured by the Gestapo, tortured and killed. These include:
- Dr. Fritz Gerlich, a journalist who Calvinist converts to Catholicism after attending one of the first stigma of Teresa in 1926. Became a fearless defender of the faith, he died beaten in prison.
- Father Ingbert Naab great resistance to the Nazi regime. Continued in 1933, he escaped to Switzerland. Other friends
CERL actively fought alongside Theresa and his friends against the terrible Nazi regime:
- Eric Prince Waldburg-Zeil died in an accident, but his wife, Princess Monique remained related Theresa.
- Bruno Rothschild, a young Jew, was baptized as his first visit to Konnersreuth had upset. He became a priest in 1932, and died suddenly in 1933, thus escaping the persecution of the Jews who broke out in 1933.
- Bishops and Michael Conrad Preysing Rackla, friends of Dr. Wutz, Theresa met frequently after attending one of its stigma.
- Dr. Joseph Lechner, professor of canon law and liturgy at the University of Eichstätt was a great defender Theresa.
5-2-Some aspects the resistance against Hitler
As stated above, the seizure of power by Hitler launched the fight against the Church. The works of the Church were banned. At Erchstätt a young leader of Catholic Action was interned at Dachau. Theological faculties were closed. The pastor of the cathedral fell victim of an attack .. Many students were called up: little returned. At Erchstât, as in many other places, the resistance was organized, illegal, most often, but effective despite the dangers. Therese put all his influence to combat Nazi propaganda. From the beginning of National Socialism, she predicted his certain doom, while recommending that those who refused or feared to have much patience ... It is not surprising that hatred of the regime he vowed.
Friends of Teresa and her family were often exposed to reprisals from the Third Reich. As for herself, she had relatively little trouble, she had waived her ration card and asked in return a double ration of soap. Soon the press no longer spoke to her: Teresa seemed quiet.
It was later learned that Hitler, very superstitious, believing in astrology, clairvoyants and horoscopes, was ordered not to touch it. Indeed, the Nazis decided to eliminate their enemy. This would have been easy: it was enough to put under observation in a clinic where she died after a bite or a heart attack. But Adolf Hitler commissioned the Gauleiter Holtzeschuber to take the necessary steps to protect his life and his family. Unquestionably Hitler feared the turmoil would have caused the disappearance of Theresa Neumann. He also feared that if anything happened to him by his fault, the days of Theresa were threatened or shortened.
Alas! It was not well by the henchmen of the regime! Here is an example lived near the end of the war in 1945: the market square of Konnersreuth, occupied by the SS was burned before the coming of the Americans. Therese had fled with two of his sisters and fourteen children in a shelter: a basement beneath the delivery of local church .. The surrender took fire, the structure collapsed, but Teresa had had time to get to safety with children.
At the end of the war, the Americans took the necessary steps to ensure the safety of his wife. Indeed, in the nearby woods hid many SS dispersed and one could fear from them all: kidnapping or assassination.