Miracle or when reason and faith come together ...
The Blessed Virgin appeared to Bernadette Soubirous eighteen times between February 11, 1858 and July 16, 1858. This appearance has been recognized as authentic by the church Catholic. Lourdes welcomes every year almost 6 million pilgrims including among them people who claim to have been miraculously healed.
Official Site of the Shrine of Lourdes (history, webcams, prayer intentions +)
http://fr.lourdes-france.org "
miraculous cures of Lourdes in numbers.
Pres of 7000 records healing have been filed since the apparitions in Lourdes
-67 cases have so far been recognized miracle by the church.
-One healing took place in 1858, the last healing dates back to 2005.
-The country of origin miracles are: the France-
(55 miracles)
-Italy (6)
-Belgium (3)
-Germany (1)
-Austria (1)
-Switzerland (1). -80% Miracles of
are women.
-The youngest was 2 years old miracle.
-Most miraculously was cured in contact with water from Lourdes (49 miraculously cured including 39 swimming pools). -6
miracles claimed to have been cured by the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes as they had not come to Lourdes.
The Reconnaissance
a miracle What a miracle? Unlike that the conventional wisdom, a miracle is not just an amazing or sensational, but must include a spiritual dimension. Thus, to be called a miracle, a cure must meet two requirements: be arranged in such extraordinary and unpredictable, and lived in a context of faith (that of Lourdes in this case). A dialogue between medical science and the Church is therefore essential. This dialogue has always occurred in Lourdes, through the presence of a permanent doctor in the Office of Medical Findings from the Sanctuaries. Today, the twenty-first century, it appears that many, many healings in Lourdes observed could not be reported to the very narrow category of miracle and, therefore, fell into oblivion. But they deserved to be received as a manifestation of God's compassion and become sources of evidence for community croyants.Aussi in 2006, it has been established a stage of recognition of the Church, without in any way remove the serious and rigor of the medical investigation remains the same.
First step: the healing observed
The first essential step is the declaration voluntary and spontaneous people who have experienced a radical change in their health which they consider due to the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes. The doctor's Permanent Bureau of the medical findings collect and archive any such declaration. It then conducts an initial assessment of the seriousness of this statement, his study simultaneously on the veracity of the facts and their meaning.
The primary objective is to ensure the reality of healing. This requires the participation of the patient or doctors claiming a cure with the ability to access to a maximum of paperwork and medical examinations (biological, radiological, pathological ...) before and after such healing. Must be able to check: the absence of any deception, illusion or simulation; additional medical examinations and administrative documents, in the history of the disease, persistence of symp ¬ toms painful, disabling, affecting the integrity of the person and resistance to prescribed treatments, and the suddenness of the well-being solved, the permanence of this healing, complete and stable, with no sequelae manifest improbability of such a development.
The aim is to declare that the recovery is quite remarkable, having performed in ways extraordinary and unpredictable. Together, it is essential to clarify the context in which healing has occurred (or not even in Lourdes, in this or that specific fact) taking a full observation of all aspects of the experience of the person healed, not only in terms physical but also mental and spiritual emotion, usually obvious, keeping the experience as unique and unforgettable, transforming it profoundly, because it means the beginning of the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the atmosphere of prayer (or any suggestion), playback of faith that she recognizes.
At this point, some of these statements are clearly that "improvements subjective, others objective of healing that can be classified as" pending "if any items are missing or recorded as cures go up controlled far, therefore "validate".
Step Two: Healing confirmed:
This second step is the verification step, based on interdisciplinarity, as many medical and ecclesial.
-On the medical front:
The opinion of caregivers as part of AMIL (Lourdes International Medical Association consists of about 12 000 doctors from 75 countries) is requested as well as, possibly, physicians and professionals health wish, whatever their beliefs, it is tradition to Lourdes. The current cases are also on display at the annual meeting of CMIL. One member is appointed to conduct an examination and full review of recovered. This healing can then be closed and no further or "medically supported.
-On the Church:
From that moment, a diocesan commission, chaired by the bishop of the healed, can make a discernment college to assess how this healing is experienced in all its dimensions, physical, mental and spiritual, taking into account both the negative signs (ostentation ...) than positive (spiritual fruits ...) generated by this unique experience. If approved, the healed person shall be entitled, if it so desires, to be simply known to the faithful that "healing grace authentic "occurred in a context of faith and prayer. This initial recognition allows: the registrant to be together, never to be alone to bring this healing experience, not always easy to live, to offer the community of believers documented evidence, given the possibility of a first action Thanksgiving.
Step Three: Healing ratified
also includes two readings, medical and pastoral care that takes place in two successive time. This final step can not be seen in reference to the criteria Exclusion Lambertini defined by the Church to interpret this as a miraculous cure:
(1) the disease must have a serious nature, with a poor prognosis
(2) the reality and diagnosis of the disease should be assured and precise
(3) the disease must be only organic lesion
(4) a possible treatment should not have been the source of healing
(5) the cure must be sudden, abrupt, instantaneous
(6 ) recovery functions must be complete, without convalescence
(7) is not a remission but a permanent cure
Step Four: Healing is the certified
CMIL as an advisory body that will make a full guarantee to its "exceptional" in the current state of scientific knowledge by an expert medical and psychiatric complete.
Step Five: Healing proclaimed (the miracle)
This level is still the bishop of the Diocese of healing, in conjunction with the diocesan commission in place. It is he who will make a canonical recognition miracle. (Source: official site of the shrine of Lourdes)
bottom of this page is a list of all the cures of Lourdes recognized as miraculous.
Videos below show four stories of miraculous cures: Healing
Fretel Jeanne (1948)
Healing Anna Santaniello (1952)
Healing Cirolli Delizia (1976)
Jean Pierre Bely last recognized miracle at Lourdes (1987)
Jean-Pierre Bely, born in 1936, is married with two children. There was a nurse in a department of Anesthesiology. Since 1972, he began to suffer from disorders increasingly debilitating making the diagnosis of "Multiple Sclerosis". Since 1984 he has needed to use a cane for walking. A work stoppage has been definitively decided. A wheelchair was used from February 1985. Standing has become impossible since April 1986. Subsequently, the patient can not even sit in a chair.
During a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Lourdes, Mr. BELY found entirely normal duties, so sudden, unexpected and sudden, Friday, October 9, 1987.
After receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Mr. BELY then felt invaded by a powerful sense of liberation and inner peace as it had never known before. Then, in the same day on Friday at noon, as he lay in his sick room, he felt a cold feeling increasingly strong, almost painful, which gave way to a feeling of warmth She also becoming more intense and pervasive. He found himself sitting beside his bed, was surprised to move his arms, to feel the touch on his skin.
On the night that followed, while fast asleep, Mr. BELY woke suddenly and was so surprised to be able to walk for the first time since 1984. The first steps were hesitant, but quickly walking became normal. For
not distinguish itself from its "companions disease," Mr. BELY wished to leave Lourdes wheelchair as if he was still disabled. At the station, he finally decided to go alone in the train and travel back to his seat until Angoulême.Depuis then, he has regained all its physical powers.
On February 11, 1999, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Bishop Claude DAGENS recognized "the authentic character of this cure, which is a personal gift from God for Mr. BELY and an effective sign of Christ the Savior, which was accomplished through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes. "
Miracle: the last of Lourdes!
sent FREDO1605 . - Videos recent scientific discoveries.
Video on healing of Jean-Pierre Bely: http://archives.tsr.ch/player/lourdes-miracle "
Below videos on recent developments in the medical recognition of miraculous healings Lourdes and the presentation of five new cases of healings.
5 remarkable healings in Lourdes Video 1
sent Info-Tarbes-Lourdes-65 - news videos from around the World.
The video below is a six-part documentary that tells the story of the apparitions of Lourdes (Italian, English)
The Song of Bernadette, a great American film the apparitions of Lourdes.

The Cures of Lourdes recognized by the church.
Louis Bouriette Lourdes (France). Trauma of the right eye 20 years old, with amaurosis 2 years. 54 March 1858. Diocese and date of recognition: Tarbes, principal of Bishop Laurence, the 18-01-1862.
Blaisette CAZENAVE Lourdes (France). Chemosis or chronic ophthalmia, with ectropion past three years. About 50 years in March 1858. Diocese and date of recognition: Tarbes, principal of Bishop Laurence, the 18-01-1862.
Henry BUSQUET Nay (France). Adenitis fistulae (probably TB) base of the neck for 15 months. About 15 years on 28-04-1858. Diocese and date of recognition: Tarbes, principal of Bishop Laurence, the 18-01-1862.
Justin Bouhort Lourdes (France). Chronic post-infection, with delayed motor development. Diagnosis of the time: "consumption". 2 years on 06-07-1858. Diocese and date of recognition: Tarbes, principal of Bishop Laurence, the 18-01-1862.
Madeleine Rizan Nay (France). Left hemiplegia 24 years. 17-10-1858 at about 58 years. Diocese and date of recognition: Tarbes, principal of Bishop Laurence, the 18-01-1862.
Tartas Marie Moreau (France). Substantial reduction in sight, with inflammatory lesions, particularly right eye, evolving for 10 months. 09-11-1858 at about 17 years. Diocese and date of recognition: Tarbes, principal of Bishop Laurence, the 18-01-1862.
Pierre DE RUDDER Jabbeke (Belgium). Open fracture of the left leg with nonunion. 52 years on 07-04-1875. Diocese and date of recognition: Brugge (Belgium) 25-07-1908.
Joachime Dehant Gesves (Belgium). Right leg ulcer with extensive gangrene. 29 years on 13-09-1878. Diocese and date of recognition: Namur (Belgium) 25-04-1908.
Elisa Seisson Rognonas (France). Heart hypertrophy, lower limb edema. 29-08-1882 27 years. Diocese and date of recognition: Aix-en-Provence 02-07-1912.
Sister Eugenia (Marie Mabille) Bernay (France). Abscess of the pelvis with bladder and bowel fistulas. Phlebitis bilaterally. 28 years on 21-08-1883. Diocese and date of recognition: 30-08-1908 Evreux.
Sister Julienne (Aline HEATHER) La Roque (France). Cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis. 01-09-1889 25 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 07-03-1912 Tulle.
Sister Josephine Marie (Anne JOURDAIN) Goincourt (France). Pulmonary tuberculosis. 21-08-1890 36 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 10-10-1908 Beauvais.
CHAGNON Amelie (Religious of the Sacred Heart on 25-09-1894) Poitiers (France). Osteo-arthritis knee tuberculous and foot (second metatarsal). 17 at 21-08-1891. Diocese and date of recognition: Tournai (Belgium) 08-09-1910.
Clementine FIND (Sister Mary Agnes) Rust (France). Osteo-periostitis of the right foot fistulized. 21-08-1891 14 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 06-06-1908 Paris.
LEBRANCHU Marie (Mrs. Wuiplier) Paris (France). Pulmonary Tuberculosis (sputum with bacilli of Koch). 35 years at 20-081892. Diocese and date of recognition: 06-06-1908 Paris.
LEMARCHAND Marie (Mrs. Authier), Caen (France). Pulmonary tuberculosis with facial and leg ulcers. 18 at 21-08-1892. Diocese and date of recognition: Paris 06-06-1908.
Bucquoy Elise Lesage (France). Tuberculous osteoarthritis of the knee. 18 at 21-08-1892. Diocese and date of recognition: 04-02-1908 Arras.
Sister Mary of the Presentation (Sylvania DELPORTE) Lille (France). Chronic tuberculous gastroenteritis. 46 years on 29-08-1892. Diocese and date of recognition: 15-08-1908 Cambrai.
Abbot of CIRET Beaumontel (France). Anterolateral spinal sclerosis. 46 years on 31-08-1893. Diocese and date of recognition: 11-02-1907 Evreux.
HUPRELLE Aurélie de Saint-Martin-le-Bow (France). Acute pulmonary tuberculosis. 21-08-1895 26 years. Diocese and date of recognition: Beauvais 01-05-1908.
Esther Brachmann de Paris (France). Tuberculous peritonitis. 21-08-1896 15 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 06-06-1908 Paris.
Jeanne TULASNE of Tours (France). Lumbar Pott's disease, neuropathic with clubfoot. 08-09-1897 20 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 27-10-1907 Towers. Of Clémentine MALOT
Gaudechart (France). Haemoptoic pulmonary tuberculosis. 21-08-1898 25 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 01-11-1908 Beauvais. FRANCOIS
Rose of Paris (France). Phlegmon fistulized right arm with huge swelling. 20-08-1899 36 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 06-06-1908 Paris.
Reverend Father of SALVATOR Rouelle (France). Tuberculous peritonitis. 38 years on 25-06-1900. Diocese and date of recognition: 01-07-1908 Rennes.
Sister Maximilian (religious Hope) Marseille (France). Hydatid cyst of the liver, phlebitis left leg. 43 years on 20-05-1901. Diocese and date of recognition: 05-02-1908 Marseille.
Marie SAVOYE of Cateau-Cambresis (France). Mitralite decompensated rheumatic. 20-09-1901 24 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 15-08-1908 Cambrai.
Bézenac Johanna Saint-Laurent-des-Sticks (France). Cachexia of unknown cause impetigo eyelids and forehead. 28 years on 08-08-1904. Diocese and date Recognition: 02-07-1908 Périgueux.
Sister Saint-Hilaire (Lucie JUPIN) of Peyreleau (France). Abdominal tumor. 39 years on 20-08-1904. Diocese and date of recognition: 10-05-1908 Rodez.
Sister Sainte-Beatrix (Rosalie VILDIER) Evreux (France). Laryngo-bronchitis, probably tuberculous. 42 years on 31-08-1904. Diocese and date of recognition: 25-03-1908 Evreux.
Maria Theresa of Avenay Noblet (France). Thoracolumbar spondylitis. 31-08-1905 15 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 11-02-1908 Reims.
Cecile DOUVILLE OF FRANSSU Tournai (Belgium). Tuberculous peritonitis. 19 years on 21-09-1905. Diocese and date of recognition Versailles 08-12-1909.
Antonia MILL Vienna (France). Fistula osteitis right femur with knee arthritis. 30 years on 10-08-1907. Diocese and date of recognition: 06-11-1910 Grenoble.
Marie BOREL of Mende (France). Six fistulas stercoralis-pyo, lumbar and abdominal regions. 21/22-08-1907 27 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 04-06-1911 Mende.
Virginia Haudebourg Lons-le-Saulnier (France). Tuberculous cystitis, nephritis. 17-05-1908 22 years. Diocese and date of recognition: St. Claude 25-11-1912.
BIRE Marie Sainte-Gemme-la-Plaine (France). Blindness of cerebral origin, bilateral optic atrophy. 41 05-08-1908 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 30-07-1910 Luzon.
Aimee allopatric Vern (France). Many tuberculous abscess, 4 fistulated, anterior abdominal wall. 28-05-1909 37 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 05-08-1910 Angers. ORION
Juliette Saint-Hilaire-de-Voust (France). Pulmonary and laryngeal tuberculosis, suppurative mastoiditis left. 22-07-1910 24 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 18-10-1913 Luzon.
Montredon Marie Fabre (France). Muco-membranous enteritis, uterine prolapse. 26-09-1911 32 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 08-09-1912 Cahors.
BRESSOLLES of Henrietta Nice (France). Pott's disease paraplegia. 03-07-1924 at about 28 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 04-06-1957 Nice. BRUSH
Lydia Saint-Raphael (France). Multiple tuberculous fistulas with large separations (G. buttocks). 41 years on 11-10-1930. Diocese and date of recognition: 05-08-1958 Coutances.
Sister Marie-Marguerite (Francoise CAPTAIN) Rennes (France). Abscess of the left kidney with swelling and skin blister "heart attack". 64 at 22-01-1937. Diocese and date of recognition: 20-05-1946 Rennes.
Louise JAMAIN Paris (France). Pulmonary tuberculosis, intestinal, peritoneal. 01-04-1937 22 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 14-12-1951 Paris.
Francis PASCAL Beaucaire (France). Blindness, paralysis of lower limbs. 3 years 10 months 31-08-1938. Diocese and date of recognition: Aix-en-Provence 31-05-1949.
Gabrielle CLAUZEL Oran (Algeria). Rheumatic spondylosis. 49 years on 15-08-1943. Diocese and date of recognition: Oran (Algeria) 18-03-1948.
Yvonne FOURNIER Limoges (France). Extenso-progressive syndrome Post-traumatic left upper limb. (Leriche syndrome). 19-08-1945 22 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 14-11-1959 Paris.
Rose MARTIN Nice (France). Cervical cancer (squamous cylindrical glandular). 46 years on 03-07-1947. Diocese and date of recognition: 17-03-1958 Nice.
Jeanne STRP Bègles (France). Dyspeptic symptoms with postoperative occlusive accidents. 22-08-1947 50 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 13-07-1952 Bordeaux.
Maria Theresa CANINE Marseille (France). Pott's disease and peritonitis Dosso-lumbar tuberculous fistulae. 09-10-1947 37 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 06-06-1952 Marseille.
Maddalena CARINI San Remo (Italy). Peritoneal tuberculosis, pleural and pulmonary bone with CHD. 15-08-1948 31 years. Diocese and date of recognition: Milan (Italy). 02-06-1960.
Jeanne Fretel Rennes (France). Tuberculous peritonitis. 08-10-1948 34 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 20-11-1950 Rennes.
Thea ANGELE (Sister Marie-Mercedes) Tettnang (Germany). Multiple sclerosis for six years. 20-05-1950 20 years. Diocese and date of recognition: Tarbes-Lourdes 28-06-1961.
Evasio Ganor Casale (Italy). Hodgkin's disease. 02-06-1950 37 years. Diocese and date of recognition: Casale (Italy) 31-05-1955.
Edeltraud FULDA Vienna (Austria). Addison's disease. 12-08-1950 34 years. Diocese and date of recognition: Vienna (Austria) 18-05-1955.
Paul PELLEGRIN Toulon (France). Postoperative fistula from an abscess of the liver. 52 years on 03-10-1950. Diocese and date of recognition: Frejus-Toulon 08-12-1953.
Br.Leo SCHWAGER of Fribourg (Switzerland). Multiple sclerosis for five years. 28 years on 30-04-1952. Diocese and date of recognition: Geneva (Lausanne) Fribourg (Switzerland). 18-12-1960.
Alice COUTEAULT Bouille-Loretz (France). Multiple sclerosis for three years. 15-05-1952 34 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 16-07-1956 Poitiers.
Marie Bigot de La Richardais (France). Arachnoiditis posterior fossa (blindness, deafness, hemiplegia). 31 years and 32 years 08-10-1953 10-10-1954. Diocese and date of recognition: 15-08-1956 Rennes.
Ginette NEW Carmaux (France). Budd-Chiari disease. (Hepatic vein thrombosis). 21-09-1954 26 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 31-05-1963 Albi.
ALOI Elisa Patti (Italy). Tuberculosis and osteoarticular fistulas with multiple locations in the right leg. 05-06-1958 27 years. Diocese and date of recognition: Messina (Italy) 26-05-1965.
TAMBURINI Juliette de Marseille (France). Osteoperiostitis femoral fistulae, epistaxis dating back ten years. 17-07-1959 22 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 11-05-1965 Marseille.
Vittorio Micheli of Scurelle (Italy). Sarcoma of the left hip. 01-06-1963 23 years. Diocese and date of recognition: 26-05-1976 Trento.
Cirolli DELIZIA (Ms Costa), and Paternò (Italy). Ewing sarcoma of the right knee, 12 years to 24 December 1976. Diocese and date of recognition: Catania (Italy) 28-06-1989.
Jean-Pierre Bely, La Couronne (France). Multiple years plaques.51 09-10-1987.
diocese and date of recognition: 9-02-1999 Angouleme.
Anna Santaniello of Salerno (Italy). Decompensation cardiac disease following mitral rheumatic aigu.41 19-08 years-1952.Diocèse and date of recognition: Salerno (Italy) 21-09-2005