Elena Avila (Christian English Catholic) converted to Islam. (article from the Sunday 12 November 2006)
As the first woman who converted to Islam, the State of Extremadura, western Spain, Elena Avila reported that after she converted Islam, she felt free. In his interview with the site "Webislam, linked to the Islamic Commission of Spain, Avila stated that:" I am Catholic Christian who was researching the various religious faiths who could not persuade me up that I decided to learn Arabic to better understand the Holy Quran. She added that when I started reading the Koran, I discovered many truths, which really surprised me. This English nurse believes that this book is a Holy book of instruction for everyone. "Previously, I had read the Koran in English, but translation seems tiring. For that, I started reading this book Saint Arabic. After converting to Islam, Elena and 25 and wearing a headscarf. She goes to the mosque and the prayer. According to this English woman, men need God and Divine Book With the Koran, they can easily talk with God. "After the change of my faith, I have little social or family problem. "She said. "Problems social Muslims know, for now, come from the disinformation campaign of the Western media against Islam who are trying to imply that Islam is related to terrorism. "Avila said. Furthermore, it dismisses the report Islamic terrorism, adding: "Westerners assume that Muslims are forcing Muslim women to wear headscarves" Islamic ", but this is a lie. I'm interested in myself, respect the veil "" Islamic ". In referring to women's rights in Islam, in various fields, she said that most other religions, Islam recognized women's rights. It should be noted that the number of English Muslims amounts to nearly one million people, mostly immigrants. However, a large number of English citizens have been converted in recent years.
Jane converted to Islam.
"If I cling to the teaching of the Koran when the message becomes very clear to me, just do what he told you to do and that I understood in reading the Quran, I think it's the best way of life for me .... "
A year before his conversion to Islam Jane (English) was a Christian she is separated from her husband and two grown children "Some of my friends saw me as a good Christian, he asked me why did I leave Christianity? my answer was that I knew nothing about the prophet in the texts of the Bible Jesus (peace and mercy of God rest upon him) said that someone will come after me I do not think I left Christianity, but rather the completion .... "
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