Voltaire: "The world embarrasses me and I can not think that such a clock exists and does is no watchmaker
A superior intelligence created the universe so that humans can vivre.Voiçi the conclusion that can be drawn from the current study of our universe.
The main arguments for arriving at this conclusion are:
-all physical characteristics of our universe have the same common point: allowing the emergence and development of human beings.
-The extraordinary precision of the adjustment of our universe that has the appearance of humans makes the hypothesis of chance extremely unlikely.
-only hypothesis of human beings as to make our world coherent, understandable
The study of the universe can be compared with the study of a human body or party although a precise physical function participates in a while, one goal: to enable humans to live.
Given this assumption of an intelligent phenomenon many scientists present the following arguments:
-Science does not determine a goal, a purpose to the universe.
This argument is untenable as it is inexact.Dans the study of human body for example, the purpose of each body part to the precise physical function is sought is to enable humans to live normally with his body.
-It is possible that we stumbled upon the correct universe among the million or more universes that may exist.
This argument is untenable as it assumes worlds other than ours, yet in the current state of our knowledge we do not know if there are other worlds than ours, being unable to go beyond boundaries of our universe.
Contemporary science can say that an intelligence created the universe for man to live. It can not however say that this intelligence is Dieu.Cette question is not part of its area of competence but of religion.
science and religion, although their individual areas of expertise are linked because both are involved in developing the knowledge of the "phenomenon human. "They do not oppose them but to develop their links.
The miracle of the universe
Interview with astrophysicist Trinh Xuan Thuan
An ideal planet
The beauty of the universe
Examples of setting extremely specific universe
Constant for the strong nuclear force
If higher: hydrogen does not form; nuclear cores of most essential elements for life would be unstable, making it impossible chemistry necessary for life. If
lower: no element heavier than hydrogen would form; again, the chemistry necessary for life would not be possible.
Constant for the weak nuclear force
if greater: too much hydrogen was converted into helium during the Big Bang, and stars have converted too much material in heavy elements making life chemistry necessary to impossible. If
lesser: too little helium would have been produced during the Big Bang, and stars would convert too little material in heavy elements making life chemistry necessary to impossible.
constant gravitational force
If greater: the stars would burn too hot and too fast and irregularly to enable the chemistry necessary for life. If
lower: the stars are too cool for nuclear fusion to occur, and too many elements necessary for life chemistry would not exist.
constant electromagnetic force
if greater: chemical bonds are broken and the elements heavier than boron are unstable to fission. If
lesser: chemical bonds would be insufficient, making the chemistry necessary for life impossible.
Report electromagnetic force, gravitational force
If higher: all stars would be 40% more massive than the sun, stars would burn too quickly and too unevenly for life is possible.
If lesser of all the stars would be 20% less massive than the sun and would be unable to produce heavy elements.
Report electron-proton mass
If higher: the chemical bonds would be insufficient, making the chemistry necessary for life impossible. If
lesser of chemical bonds would be insufficient, making the chemistry necessary for life impossible.
Report number proton number electron-
If higher: electromagnetism would dominate gravity making impossible the formation of galaxies, stars and planets.
If lower: same as if higher.
rate of expansion of the universe
If higher: the formation of galaxies would not be possible. If
lesser of the universe would have collapsed well before the formation of stars.
level of entropy of the universe
If higher: the stars would not form in proto-galaxies. If
lower: no proto-galaxy formation would occur.
Bulk density of the universe
If greater: the stars would burn too quickly so that life exists because of the overabundance deuterium inherited from the Big Bang. If
lesser: too few heavy elements were formed because of the lack of helium produced during the Big Bang.
velocity of light
If greater: the stars are too bright for life to exist. If
lower: the stars are not bright enough for life to exist.
Uniformity initial radiation
If higher: stars, star clusters and galaxies could not have been trained. If
lower: the universe is only black holes and empty spaces.
Average distance between galaxies
If greater: the formation of stars could not be due to a lack of materials. If
lower: the gravitational force would destabilize the orbit of the sun.
density of galaxy clusters
If higher: collisions and mergers of galaxies would modify or alter the orbit of the sun. If lower
: star formation would not have occurred because of a lack of materials.
Average distance between stars
If more high: the density of heavy elements would not allow the formation of rocky planets. If lower
: planetary orbits would be too unstable to support life.
proton decay rate
if greater: life would be exterminated by radiation released. If
lesser of the universe would not have enough material to sustain life. Report
level nuclear
If higher: the universe would not have enough oxygen for that life exists. If
lesser of the universe does not contain enough carbon for life to exist.
Level resting energy for 4He
If higher: the universe does not contain enough carbon or oxygen for life to exist. If
lower: same as if higher.
rate of decay of 8Be
If higher: the fusion of heavy elements would generate catastrophic explosions in all stars. If
lower: no element heavier than beryllium would form, making the chemistry necessary for life impossible. Report
mass neutron-proton mass
If greater: too few neutrons would be produced by their decay to allow many elements essential for life to form. If
lower: the production of neutrons from their disintegration is so important that all the stars would be reduced in neutron stars or black holes.
Excess initial nucleons over anti-nucleons
If greater: radiation would not allow the formation of planets. If
lesser: matter is insufficient to allow the formation of galaxies and planets.
polarity of the molecule of water
if greater: heat of fusion and vaporization would be too high to allow life. If
lower: the heat of fusion and vaporization would be too low to support life. Liquid water does not work as a solvent for life chemistry. The ice would not float, leading to a quick freeze.
supernova eruption
If too close, too frequent or too late: radiation exterminate life on the planet.
If too remote, too rare or too early: the heavier elements were too scattered to that rocky planets may form. Report
mass of exotic matter mass of ordinary matter-
If higher: the universe would collapse before solar type stars can form. If
lesser of galaxy formation would be impossible.
Number of effective dimensions in the young universe
If higher: quantum mechanics, gravity and relativity could not coexist, which would make life impossible. If
lesser: same result.
Magnitude of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation
If higher: oxygen transport in cells of the body would be too high and some elements essential to life would be unstable. If
lower: the transport of oxygen in body cells is not high enough and some elements essential to life would be unstable.
cosmological constant
If greater: the expansion of the universe would be too fast to allow formation of solar-type stars.
Neutrino Mass
If higher: galaxy clusters and galaxies are too dense. If lower
: clusters of galaxies, galaxies and stars could not be formed.
Ripples of the Big Bang
If higher: galaxies and clusters of galaxies would be too dense for life to exist, black holes would dominate and the universe would collapse before sites could support life could be form. If lower
: galaxies would not form and the expansion of the universe would be too fast.
relativistic dilation factor
If higher: some chemical reactions essential to life would not function properly. If
lesser: same result.
fine structure of spectral lines crack
If larger: all stars would be at least 30% more massive than the sun.
If greater than 0.06: matter would be unstable in large magnetic fields. If less
: all stars would be at least 80% more massive than the sun.
binary systems of white dwarfs
If too few: insufficient fluorine would be for the chemistry of life.
If too many: planetary orbits would be too unstable for life to exist. If
too early: the production of fluorine would be insufficient. If
too late: fluorine arrive too late for the chemistry of life.
These parameters are taken from the book Big Bang Refined by Fire by Dr. Hugh Ross, 1998. Dr. Ross received his doctorate (Ph.D.) in Astronomy at the University of Toronto in 1973. He is president of Reasons To Believe organization located in Pasadena, California. He was a university professor Simon Greenleaf University ", Anaheim, California. He also lectures each year at universities in the USA and has written 16 books on cosmology.
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