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"Faith and reason are like two wings that enable the human spirit rises to contemplation of truth "John Paul 2
"A little learning away from God, it brings back a lot of science." Louis Pasteur
"Song of Welcome"

text of John Paul 2 on the evidence of the existence of God (Encyclical Fides et Ratio)
"When we ask:" Why do we believe in God? "the first answer is that our faith: God has revealed himself to humanity, he came into contact with men. The supreme revelation of God came in Jesus Christ, God incarnate. We believe in God because God has been discovered as the Supreme Being, the great "Existing".
However this faith in God who reveals himself also finds support in the reasoning of our intellect. When we reflect, we find that the evidence of the existence of God are not lacking. These have been elaborated by thinkers as philosophical demonstrations, according to the sequence of rigorous logic. But they can also take a simpler form, and as such they are accessible to everyone who seeks to understand what the world around him.
When we talk about evidence of the existence of God, we must emphasize that this is not scientific and experimental evidence. The scientific evidence in the modern sense of the word, apply only to things perceptible to the senses, because it is only on these that can be exercised research instruments and control that uses science. Want
definitive evidence of God would mean lower Scientific God among the people of our world and therefore be mistaken about what God is. Science must recognize its limitations and its inability to reach God's existence: it can neither confirm nor deny its existence.
But do not conclude from this that the scholars are unable to find in their scientific studies, valid reasons for admitting the exstence of God. If science, as such, can not reach God, the scholar, who has an intelligence which the object is not limited to sensible things, can discover the world of reasons to affirm the existence of a being that transcends it. Many scholars have done and make this discovery.
Whoever, with an open mind, considering what is involved in the existence of the universe can not help but pose the problem of the origin. Instinctively, when we are witnessing certain events, we wonder, what are the causes. How not to ask the same question for all beings and phenomena which we discover in the world?
A scientific hypothesis such as the expansion of the universe more clearly shows the problem: if the universe is continually expanding, should we not go back in time until we could call "the initial moment, one where this expansion started? But whatever the theory adopted on the origin of the universe, we can not evade the more fundamental question.
This universe in constant motion postulates the existence of a cause, giving him being, has communicated this movement and continues to feed. Without this Supreme Cause, the world and any movement in it remain "unexplained" and "inexplicable" and our intelligence could not be satisfied.
The human mind can not receive a response to his questions if he admits that a Being who created the world with all its vitality and continues to support the existence
The need to go back to a Supreme Cause s imposes even more if one considers the excellent organization that science keeps discovering the structure of matter. When the human mind applies, not without difficulty, to determine the constitution and modes of action of material particles, is it not because it has to seek its origin in a higher intelligence that has designed everything?
Before the wonders of what might be called the infinitely small world of the atom, and the world of the infinitely large cosmos, the spirit of man feels completely overwhelmed in its creative possibilities, and even of imagination, and it includes a work of such quality and such a scale requires a Creator whose wisdom transcends all measure, whose power is infinite.
All comments concerning the development of life lead A similar conclusion. The evolution of living beings, which science seeks to determine the stages and to discern the mechanism, presents an internal finality which arouses admiration. This finality which directs beings in a direction, they are neither leaders nor bosses, forced to assume the existence of a spirit which is its inventor, its creator.
The history and life of every human person manifested a purpose even more impressive. Certainly, man can not explain the meaning of everything that happens to him, so he must recognize that it is not the boss of his own destiny. Not only he did not himself but he did not even have the power to dominate the course of events in the unfolding and existence.
However, he is convinced he has a destiny, and seeks to discover how he got it, how it is inscribed in his being. At times, it can more easily discern a purpose secret, which is reflected by a combination of circumstances or events. It is thus inclined to affirm the sovereignty of the One who created and directs his present life.
Finally, among the qualities that lead this world to look up, there is beauty. It manifests itself in Wonderland infinite nature, it results in countless works of art, literature, music, painting, plastic arts. It is appreciated also in moral conduct: there are so many good feelings, so many wonderful things. The man is conscious to receive all that beauty, even if by his action, he has a share in its manifestation. He did not admire him and discovers that when fully acknowledges its source, the transcendent beauty of God.
To all these "indications" of the existence of God the Creator some oppose the power of chance or mechanisms to the field. Talking about a random universe that has a complex organization in its elements and such marvelous finality in its life means giving up search for an explanation to the world as it appears. In reality, this is equivalent to refusing to recognize the effects without a cause. It is an abdication of human intelligence, so surrendering to think, to find a solution to its problems.
In conclusion, a myriad of clues that can cause man tries to understand the universe where he lives to direct its gaze to the Creator. The evidence of the existence of God are multiple and convergent. They help to show that faith does not mortify human intelligence, but stimulates thinking and allows him to better understand all the "why" that arise from the observation of reality. "