Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Engine Turbo Oil 2380

As of August 17, 2000 until April 2001 the Virgin appeared on numerous occasions in the city of Asyut in the Coptic tradition Egypte.Selon this city was visited by the Holy Family during their exile in Egypt.
is August 17, 2000 at approximately 11:30 p.m. that the Virgin began to appear many witnesses, Copts and Muslims over the domes of Saint Mark in Asyut
The Mother of God was first manifested as a halo of bright light, surrounded by a swirl of lightning, some blue or green, and large pigeons. Gradually appearance was then refined until the witnesses are able to identify it as the Virgin.
Hundreds of people flocked to the scene, and security forces were forced to evacuate the area.
The same phenomena were repeated the next night, two hours and six hours, attracting crowds of more and more from the four corners of Egypt, and sometimes by bus tour, spending the night on the scene prayer, dancing and singing: "Come Mary, come! Your light is on the Cross! "

The provincial governor ordered one night cut power across the area to prove it was a hoax, but the appearance was not affected item.

Many witnesses claimed to have received miraculous healings after seeing the Virgin. The most spectacular is undoubtedly that of Ms. Ensaf Gobran Salwan, who suffered from cirrhosis of the liver complicated by a disorder of the spleen and severe diabetes, she was completely cured after witnessing the emergence Notre Dame 5 and 6 October 2000, as part of a tour; healing was authenticated by a prominent Muslim, Dr. Gamal Amin.

No more than in his other recent appearances in the Nile Valley, the Virgin has left any explicit message.

During his pastoral visit to the United States and Canada in August 2000, Shenouda III, has publicly acknowledged the authenticity of these apparitions and saw a sign from above to confirm the Copts in their faith.

These appearances coincide with the celebration of the second Christian millennium, which was motivated, in February 2000, the visit to Egypt by Pope John Paul II.


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