Mary Fallot modest young French woman who speaks with his friends on his cell and is distinguished by no other young women who sip their café.Mary Fallot is a young converted Islam in 2002.Elle surprised when her colleagues asked her if she had a Muslim friend? In fact, she explained that she was destined to Islam by the answers provided. Mary Fallot
says hurt by suspicions raised by his new religion embraced 3 years ago. Having found no answers to spiritual questions in the Catholicism of her childhood, she turned deliberately to Islam for her is "a message of love, tolerance and peace" Although that 'there is no precise estimate of the number of converts to Islam in Europe, observers have announced a number of several Thousands of women and men who are converted each year.

Larry Demetrice Johnson said Larry Johnson (born March 14 1969 in Dallas, Texas ) is a former American player of basketball
NBA who made his career with the Charlotte Hornets and New York Knicks . (This explosive winger in its infancy, measures 2m02 tall and weighed about 120 pounds. That player was muffled by two nicknames "LJ," but especially "Granmama", in reference to an advertisement)
Johnson played in college at UNLV ,

Alonzo Mourning and Muggsy Bogues Johnson played with the Hornets at the time of their popularity in the mid 90s.
we do not know the year of his conversion to Islam, but one of its first Ramadan was in 1998-1999, he explains
New York Times Magazine in an interview

"It's just discipline " : he says (speaking of Ramadan). ''It's just the discipline to rise to be a man. It is not just about eating but about being a husband, a friend and all that ... "In
1999 final , Johnson characterized the Knicks as a bunch "of rebel slaves. "
during interview he made references to slavery black American ...

Among other things it is last (in 2005), a company spokesman spring water "Everlasting Spring Water"
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