I was born in Virginia and was raised in a Christian family. My father was a Jew. Needless to say, we never talked much after my conversion to Islam, we have not talk much before. He and my mother divorced when I was only a an.Mes me one sister said it was because I was a girl and my father wanted a garcon.Ainsi he left my mother with four daughters without his help. We grew very poorly. My father died in July 2003 as a Jew. He refused to talk to me during these past years since I returned to Islam. My mother believed in God, she thought it was about charity and helping others. I came from a family mostly Christian who has the fear of God and practiced to the best of their ability. In the area where I grew up, we did not even know what a Muslim, let alone see a woman down the street with the hijab!
I started playing the flute when I was only 5 years and I became a professional musician flute when I was only 12 years. I played much other instruments, such as the oboe, saxophone etc.. I even played in bands and symphonies to jazz. I was put off a lot with my grandparents. Fortunately for me, I never looked bad things. I was just busy with my flute and music. It was my life and my only love in life.
My mother worked at the social it saved the lives of many children who were disabled or had mental disabilities. I was proud of her for that. But when I needed her as my own mother, she was just not there. I guess she could not save all children of the world so someone had to be excluded. I am consistently high.
I led a life without love ... My older sisters had no time for me, or even time to worry. My eldest sister who was a year older than me always told me it was my fault and they should all grow up without dad. It was so what is unusual is that this sister would beat me a lot. Accordingly growing up I was very shy.
It really hurt me. I knew I was just a kid and it was not my fault that I am a fille.Maintenant I say "alhamdulillah" when I hear a girl born, because I am a mother now my daughter has been a blessing for me in many ways.
I joined the U.S. Navy when I was 18. At this point, I had a great memory of what I've read and seen, which was very helpful to our government. However, I returned disillusioned by this crazy world.
I then played the oboe and flute in a symphony orchestra. I married and divorced several times. I was looking for something but what! I've even been blind for two years, I can say Allah Akbar! He taught me compassion and patience. Allah was there at any time - I just did not look as much as needed. I also broke my ankle very badly and I was in a wheelchair for almost a year, so I used a walker to four-legged, then a cane three-legged, and then finally a cane. Allah has sent me some lessons to help me learn the patience.Il was there for my blindness when I really started to look into studying various beliefs and lifestyles. He knew for this blindness that I could actually SEE!
about 6 years ago I started going to the fundamental and independent Baptist church. This is the type most stringent: high morals and no skirts, shorts. I asked our pastor to many many questions about God. When I asked her questions and told him that I wanted to study other religions, he said that it would not be a good idea and that Satan would use to pull me away from the church. He said that studying other religions showed a lack of faith. Note that he called "church" and not "God." Anyway, he could never answer my questions despite having a degree in theology! I do not criticize Christians or Jews when I say this. I explained just what was happening around me.
One day I was walking behind the music room (the music ministry at the church) and I found the gossip of two people. They said that since I was divorced I should not play music, although I was very good and people liked to hear me play. Who was she to judge me, I demandé.J 'were a very moral woman - I do not drink, do not smoke, did not go with men, or did not do anything that does not nature.Veuillez understand that all American women have loose morals. I fear that TV portrays us this façon.C 'was a turning point in my life.
I worked hard and I supported my daughter. Alhamdulillah, she is now 21 years old and married and I have a wonderful son called Jibriel. And another child on the road. Akbar.J Allahu 've stopped playing the flute. I also stopped going to this church and stayed away from her. I only continued to check thousands of library books on religions and study them. Some of these were actually audiobooks because I could not see enough to read.
Subsequently I met a Muslim woman who moved in our city. She gave me some brochures on Islam, lu.J I have loved how she practiced her faith by being nice and honest. My daughter was in college at that time where she met some friends. After visiting Minnesota, she loved the university where his friends are gone. Accordingly, we moved to this area. She first moved since I was in my own university classes. (I went back to school ...). She met some Muslim people of Sudan, Pakistan ..., and began to study Islam. Me too I examined more Islam. It was one of the religions that I studied. I continued to study Islam and the Koran repeatedly until I came to realize that Islam is the truest religion. I never told my daughter that I studied Islam in recent years. At that time I was really a Muslim but I have not admitted. When
day my daughter came to me and asked if she could return to Islam. His face looked very frightened because she knew I was a woman inked Baptist.
I just said, "OH! Why? "
She said the lady with whom she had spoken, told him to ask my permission because of what the Qur'an attaches about the importance of the mother. I asked him to make sure she knew what she meant. She just sat terrified of what I might say! she understood Islam very thoroughly. I then confessed that I had also studied Islam. This came as surprise for her.
few weeks later, after she introduced me to his Muslim friends, we made our Shahada together before a group of 12 ladies at the house of a friend. Allah Akbar! It was on July 2001.
Unfortunately, as a new Muslim, I had periods difficult for some Muslims as well about some things, such as wearing hijab hijab.Le should come from the heart! I wish that more people are studying Islam and look at their hearts. I met Muslim women who wear the hijab at the mosque or at social gatherings and have big hearts, and I've met women who wear the hijab and the niqab but even did not have much affection. But I was just me! I wore a blue skirt with netting, a hijab and long manches.L Imam at the mosque told me that we should not worry about what some say. For him, I was properly dressed for prayer. After
have been Muslim for less than two months, another incident occurred. On September 14, 2001 a young man attacked me in a grocery store. Motivated by hatred for Muslims AC, he blocked me on his truck so hard that it opened up my back, my ankles and my legs. The force pushed me into the shelf cans, knocking one of the shelves at me. As the cans fall down, they opened my head and my hands. The authorities caught him. He did not run away. I think he was really amazed at what he had done his même.Plus later, he said he thought I was an Arab, as if it was a reason to hurt someone. He was surprised that I spoke English clearly. He was still amazed when he knew I was a disabled American veteran.
He was facing serious charges. I gave him the choice either to go to jail or attend a conference on Islam in ten sessions of one hour. He chose conferences. I am sure that if he did not come to conferences that I can maintain my rights of appeal with the court system. He continued
studied longer than anticipated by the contract. About 6 months later in February of 2002, he said Shahada. I was so happy when I got this email from him. He then joined the local Muslim Student Association and engaged in the work of Dawah. Allah Akbar!
I finally feel at home in a mosque and at home in my heart as a Muslim.
It is very important that as a Muslim, you practice with the company of others. Never try to practice your religion alone. We need everyone to survive in this difficult world. We need the support and we pull up to everyone when we are down. But most importantly ... we need Allah.
Every day is a challenge But I know that Allah is my guide.
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