As one former minister and elder of the Pentecostal Christian church, he m'imcombe to enlighten those who still walk in darkness. After embracing Islam I felt a great need to help those who have not yet been blessed to experience the light of Islam.
I thank God Almighty, Allah, for having mercy on me, bringing me to see the beauty of Islam taught by Prophet

There are many who have helped me, encouraged ... but for fear of forgetting someone I will not try to énumérer.Je thank God Almighty, Allah, every brother and sister to which he has to play a role in my growth and development as a Muslim.
I hope that Christians will find that there is still hope for the difficult conditions that prevail over the part of Christendom. The answers to the problems Christians should not be found with the Christians themselves, because they are in most instances the root of their problems.

boy I was raised with a deep fear of God. After being partially educated by a grandmother who was a Pentecostal fundamentalist ... the church is become an integral part of my life very young. Before I reached the age of six, I knew very well the benefits awaiting me in Heaven for being a good little boy and the punishment awaiting in Hell for little boys who are naughty. My grandmother taught me that all liars were doomed to go to hellfire where they would burn forever ...
My mother worked two full-time work and continued to remember the lessons his mother had given me. My youngest brother and my older sister did not seem to take our warnings seriously grandmother as I did. I remember seeing the full moon when she took a deep reddish grade I started to cry because I was taught that one of the signs of the end of the world that the moon would become red like blood. As a child of eight I started to develop such a fear of the signs in the heavens and on earth of Doomsday that I actually had nightmares like what the Day of Judgement would be.
Our house was near a set of railroad tracks, and trains frequently passed ... I can remember being awakened by the horrible noise of the locomotive horn and thinking that I was dead and that I was resurrected after hearing the sound of the trumpet. These teachings were ingrained in my young mind through a combination of oral teachings and the reading of a set of children's books known as Bible history. ("Bible Story")
Every Sunday we went to church dressed in our beautiful garment. My father transportait.Nous arrived at about eleven in the morning and we did not leave until sometimes three o'clock in the afternoon. I still remember falling asleep on my grandmother to a lot of opportunity.
My father was not a practitioner, but he assured our transportation each Sunday. Later He suffered partial paralysis and therefore we could not go to church regularly ...
At the age of sixteen I started going to church of a friend whose father was the pastor. It was a small storefront built only with the family of my friend, myself and another classmate.
It lasted only a few months - the church closed. After graduating high school and entering a university I rediscovered my religious commitment and I became fully immersed in Pentecostal teachings. I was baptized and "filled with the Holy Spirit," ... As a college student, I quickly became the pride of the church. Everyone had high hopes for me, and I was happy to be back "on the road to salvation."
I went to church every time its doors opened. I study the Bible for days and weeks. I attended lectures by the disciples Christians ... and I acknowledged my call to ministry at the age of 20 years. I began preaching and became known very quickly. I was extremely dogmatic and believed that nobody could receive the salvation unless they have been to my church group.
I categorically condemned everyone who had not come to know God ... I taught that Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) and the power of God were one and the same. I was taught that our church does not believe in the trinity but that Jesus (peace be upon him) was indeed the father, son and holy spirit. I tried to make me understand I had to admit though that I did not really fully understood.
In my case it was the only doctrine that made sense to me. I admired dress the holy women and men of pious behavior. I enjoyed practicing a doctrine where women were required to dress in garments covering themselves completely, not painting their faces with makeup, and standing as true ambassadors of Christ. I was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that I

I felt that there was truth to reach even higher.
I meditated and prayed God to lead me to the correct religion and to forgive me if what I was doing was wrong.
I never had any contact with Muslims. The only people I knew who claims Islam as their religion were the followers of Elijah Muhammad, who were mentioned by many as the "Black Muslims" (black muslim) ... It was during this period in the late 70s that the "Minister" Louis Farrakhan would rebuild what has been called "the Nation of Islam. . I immediately wanted to arrange a meeting with him to try to convert to my religion.
I enjoyed evangelizing, hoping to find lost souls to save them from hell fire - no matter who they were.
After graduating from university I started working full time. As I reached the pinnacle of my ministry, the followers of Elijah Muhammad became more obvious, and I appreciated their efforts in trying to rid the black community of the evils that were destroying in them.
soutenirs I wanted them in one direction by buying their literature and meeting with them for dialogue. I'm busy with their study circles discovering exactly what they believed. So honestly I knew where a good number of them were and I could not accept the idea that God was a black man. I disagreed with their use of the Bible to support their position on certain issues. Here was a book that I knew very well, and I was deeply disturbed at what I considered to be a misinterpretation of her ...
After about six years I moved to Texas and I was affiliated with two churches. The first church was led by a young pastor who was inexperienced and not very educated.
I was obsessed with Biblical teachings. I started to get deeper into the scriptures and I realized that I knew more than the leader. I've gone and joined another church in a different city where I felt I could learn more. The pastor of this particular church was very clever. He was an excellent teacher but he had some ideas that were not in the norm in our church.
He held views somewhat liberal, but still I enjoyed his indoctrination. I was soon to learn the most valuable lesson of my Christian life, which was "all that glitters is not gold. "Despite its appearance, there were evils taking place that I never thought was possible in the church. These evils come reflected deeply, and began questioning the teaching to which I was so devoted.
I soon discovered that there was a lot of jealousy prevalent in the ministerial hierarchy.
Things had changed with that which I was accustomed. Women wore clothing that I thought were shameful. People dressed in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex usually.
I discovered a greed in the operation of church activities. There were many small churches struggling, and they invited us to hold meetings to help them find money. I heard that if a church did not have a number of members, then I should not waste my time preaching there because I would not receive adequate financial compensation. I then explained that I was not there for money and that I would preach even if there was only one member present ... and I'd do it for free! This caused a disturbance.
I started questioning those whom I thought that was wisdom ... I learned that money, power and position were more important than teaching the truth about the Bible. As a student of the Bible, I knew there were mistakes, contradictions and fabrications. I thought people should be exposed to the truth about the Bible. The idea of exposing people to such aspects of the Bible was a thought allegedly attributable to Satan.
But I began to publicly ask my teachers questions during Bible classes, which he could not answer any of them. Explain how Jesus was supposedly God, and how, at the same time he was supposedly the father, son and holy spirit ... but was not part of the trinity. Several preachers finally had to concede that they did not understand but that we were simply required to believe.
Cases of adultery and fornication are punished. Some preachers were hooked on drugs and had destroyed their lives and lives of families.
Leaders of some churches were found to homosexuals. There were pastors even guilty of committing adultery with the young daughters of other church members. All this coupled with a lack of valid responses was enough to make me seek a change. This change came when I accepted a job in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
not long after my arrival in Saudi Arabia saw an immediate difference in the lifestyles of Muslims. They were different from followers of Elijah Muhammad and Minister Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam) because they were of all nationalities, colors and languages. I immediately expressed a desire to learn more about this particular religion. I was amazed by the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and I wanted to know more.
I asked for books to one of the brothers who was active (calling people to Islam). I came with all the books I could possibly want. I have every read. I was

I was amazed to see the women cover themselves from head to toe. I did not see any religious hierarchy. No one was competing for any position religieuse.Tout this is wonderful, but how could I thought to give a teaching that had followed me since childhood? And about the Bible? I knew that there is some truth in it though was c

I was in the office of Shaykh 'Abdullah bin' Abdul-'Azeez to officially declare my conversion to Islam. That was where I was given sound advice on how to prepare ... It was truly a birth from darkness into light. I wondered what my peers would think of the church when they hear that I had embraced Islam. I went back to the U.S. for vacation and I was severely criticized by my "lack of faith. "I was abused with many labels: renegade was disapproving.
I only wanted to become a Muslim when I was also spent devoted to Christianity. This naturally meant the study. I I realized a person could increase as much as he wanted to in Islam. There is no monopoly of knowledge - it is free to all who wish to use opportunities to learn. That's when I realized the need to learn about life, the sayings and practices of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). I have read and studied many collections of hadith as possible available in English. I realized that my knowledge of the Bible was capital, they are now quite useful in dealing with those in Christian circles. Life for me has taken a whole new meaning. It was also a new experience that we rewarded even for our intentions.
If you intend to do good, then you are rewarded. This is quite different in the church. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions. "There is no way to win. If you are sincere, then you had to admit to the pastor (your sin) especially if the sin was a great sin, like adultery. You are judged strictly by your actions.
After an interview with the newspaper Al-Madinah was asked about my current activities and future plans. Currently, my goal is to learn Arabic and continue studying to gain greater knowledge about Islam. I am currently in the field of da'wah and am invited to speak to non-Muslims who come from Christian backgrounds. If Allah, powerful, spare my life, I hope to write more about comparative religion.
is the duty of Muslims worldwide

One of the greatest joys known that I should not get into a lot of conflict with Christians, because I was a teacher who taught most of the techniques employed conflict. I also learned how to talk using the Bible to defend Christianity. And at the same time I know the opposing arguments for each argument that our leaders have banned us, as ministers, to discuss or disclose.
is my prayer that Allah forgives us all our ignorance and guide us towards the path leading to Paradise. All praise to Allah OWNED. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon His last messenger Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), his family, companions and those who follow him.
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