In Hawaii and surroundings less than three weeks after New York and Washington is struck ... Some Muslim clerics across the country say they see a fourfold increase conversions

Ouansafi Hakim, president of the Muslim Association of Hawaii, said that before Sept. 11, there was an average of three months.The converted into two

newly converted Westerners tend to be women. Ouansafi said the national report is converted to 4 women to 1 man here is of 2 women for a man ... On the west coast, men are mainly military, said Ouansafi, and most of the converts on the island of O'ahu are former Christians to even just a vendor cosmetics. More and more people looking at this religion and they like what they see, "he said, despite relentless media coverage of

"We are a faith

For those women who see their place in the house, the Islamic faith can be very attractive, "said Tamara Albertini, a UH professor of philosophy who specializes in Islam and raised in a Muslim country . Man is responsible to take care of income, and wife to the reign of the house ...
Heather Ramahi converted to Islam.

Heather Ramahi was standing among a group of women at the mosque in Manoa and say the shahada in Arabic.
"La Ilah Muhammad has ilalah rasouloulah" "There is no God but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God"
In doing so, she became a convert to Islam, extending a recent national trend.
Now Heather Ramahi incorporates his Muslim faith in his life as an officer in the navy stationed at Pearl Harbor since July. It is not her hijab to work as a dental hygienist ... While her husband, a Marine, was away recently, she could not quite make the five daily prayers, all say in Arabic, without his help.
... Although the husband of Ramah, Mike, is a Muslim Palestinian who grew up in San Francisco, it was not the reason for his conversion, she has said. "Mike has never once tried to force me to convert," in 24 years living with me she says. "He said," if you want to do this, you can search for it yourself, but I love you one way or the other. "Ramahi had sought a way to explain his new faith to his family in California. It notes that the bulk of their information about Islam comes from the television movie, "Not Without My Daughter," a story about a American woman, an abusive husband and Iran who fought for their child. "I could not find a way to tell them ..." she said. "I did not tell my dad. I told him I'm going to the mosque, but I do not tell him that I converted yet. "To those who ask why she chose a religion that some consider oppressive to women, she said they mix religion with culture. "Going up in the United States, Islam is not a mixed culture ...," she has said. Ramah was the first in his family to join a church. At age 5, she became a Christian. The rest of the family joined later. Her mother is always a practitioner. But Ramahi said she struggled with the Christian view of the trinity ... "I had been a Christian for 18 years," she said. "There are so many loopholes in this religion.
Islam has opened so many ideas. ... I felt that my heart was the only truth for me. "After she took a class on preliminary study Islam in Hawaii after Sept. 11, she started reading the Koran, and" something has tilted. She is converted soon after ...
Michel Ouansafi converted to Islam.
This Friday - Ouansafi Hakim (President of the Muslim Association of Hawaii) spoke to about the role of women in Islam ...
his wife, Michele Ouansafi, is itself a converted ...
All texts of major religions - the Bible, the Torah, the Gospels - "women have more rights in the Quran," said the husband Michel Ouansafi.
... "If a woman is covered, you look for her intelligence ... "Said Michel Ouasanfi.
The first was a Muslim feminist known for Khawlah, "said Hakim Ouasanfi.
Khawlah discussed with the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), challenging the way her husband could easily divorce her ... He told her to be patient, but she continued to talk. In conclusion, she took it to a higher authority, and Allah has heard and agreed with her.
"Women not only have the right to speak, but to discuss with the great prophet," said Hakim Ouansafi. Michele
Ouansafi is converted after a meeting of her husband in Rhode Island in 1986, but she said he (her husband) she was never asked to convert.
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