Khadija Evans and her husband converted to Islam.
My name is Khadija Evans is the story of how my husband and I have come
to embrace Islam.
I reminded myself standing in the kitchen of the house where I lived when I was just 7 or 8 years and look toward the exit door. I prayed to god and I asked him to show he was really there. Nothing happened.
I recall at 9 or 10 years to write a letter to God and hide in my bedroom, thinking that God, if it existed, would come and find the answer to my prayers. But the next day, the letter was still there. I
still struggling to accept the existence of God, and the arrangement of the belief that is taught in Christian churches. Although my parents were not very religious, and are rarely went to church, they thought it was better than my two brothers and I are going there. We were allowed to choose our religion when we were very young. I think I was about 6 or 7 years, and my brothers were 1 and 2 years older than me. I chose a Methodist church for no other reason except that it was not far from our house, and my brother chose a Lutheran church because it was also beside, and I had not chosen.
I went to church until the age of 13. I was baptized ... I went to the baptism ... I knew that I had doubts about God and Christian teachings were things that were better kept to yourself.
When I was 13 my family is moved to another town without churches, and my parents were not willing to get up early and drive us to church, and our religious training and s' is stopped until I was 15 and my mom has suddenly discovered religion. She became involved an Assembly of God church, leading occasionally my dad. I went there voluntarily. I had already begun a search for God that would not end until I turned 42.
When I was 17 I met the daughter of a Baptist minister assistant and I started going to church. My Dad the time when I was about 6 years had sexually abused and I told the assistant minister. It is arranged with my parents and let me live with him and his family he adopted me My dad paid him $ 100 per week. My parents also went to church for a short time until Will the Minister announced the podium (flesh) that my dad was a child molester. Before this date, however, my mom, dad and I each were baptized at the church.
After spending a day with my parents, I returned to the foster home, I found the house empty. Cleaned. Not a stick of furniture. We discovered that the minister had made diversion of money from the church and he and his family are left in a hurry. I returned home and the abuse of my father.
Because of what this minister did, the belief in God that I was totally lost and I became an atheist. During the next 25 years I was floating between belief, agnosticism, and atheism.
When I was 26 years old I went three months in adult Catholics, where I was baptized and confirmed into the Catholic Church.
But after several months, I started cutting back and forth in my "church, I did not really believe in God or the core teachings of the Catholic Church, until when I turned 30 and met the man who is now my husband and who was not Catholic, and I stopped.
I had never before told my husband that I do not believe in God. I do not think that he took me seriously at first. I think he had never known an atheist. And he could not understand why I'd gone to church if I did not believe in God.
My husband is 29 years older than me. We had a wonderful marriage for the past 10 années.Je always wanted desperately to believe in God ...
We lived in Alabama when I was 32 years. I developed ulcers on both corneas and when they healed, I was legally blind. Because of the damage the infection had been made to the fabric, I could not find a surgeon who believed that transplanted corneas were not rejected. I was looking ever
God. I was looking for hope ...
teenager I observed Pat Robertson, and as a young adult I listened faithfully Jimmy Swaggert ... However, many things confused me even more.
For 10 years after I became blind, I tried to take care of different churches, Baptist still, Assembly of God yet, non-denominational church of God, Mormon ... But I always lost interest after just a few months.
I remember one night when I was about 35 years in bed and praying to God ...
At age 36 I acquired a Braille Bible and started reading it again hoping find evidence of the existence of God. But the Bible is so difficult to understand, it was not really explained, I lost interest after reading, I gave up my search. I became completely disillusioned with religion.
On September 11, 2001 I am sitting at my ordinateur.C was before 9:00 am and as usual the TV was on for background noise. I heard the announcement that informed of important news. I stopped and I turned to the TV. A reporter started talking ... He said that an accident had occurred. A small plane had hit one of World Trade Center towers. I am legally blind, but I could see well enough to know that this was not a small plane that had hit the tower. The hole was massive. And I have not thought that it was not possible to accidentally hit something so big.
I jumped and ran into the bedroom and I told my husband to hurry and get up because terrorists were crashing planes into buildings and the World Trade Center! He immediately got out of bed ... It was about 9 o'clock in the morning.
... A female journalist cried
and a male journalist was hug. I cried too. And my husband hugged me.
For weeks after I started crying for no apparent reason. I rode the bus and I turned my head toward the window and looked out so that others do not see the tears escape from my eyes ...
I was a Christian and I am worried. And I was devastated. I could not understand how a religion could foster such violence, because the media showed Islam. It did not seem reasonable. So I decided to see for myself ... I wanted to know the truth.
Because of my partial blindness I was limited to information Internet. Finding books about Islam in Braille or ink print were impossible. I could use a computer because I had the magnification software, so I could enlarge the font on the screen at a size I could read.
I sought and I started to have knowledge of Islam. I went to websites that taught the basics of Islam, and I joined the Muslim women's groups where I could ask and get answers that I confirmed by further research. I've always been a
sceptique.Ca has always been difficult for me to believe in something I did not understand. I never believed in something just because someone said it was. I had to know in my mind as well as in my heart.
While studying Islam I learned that the God of religion of Muslims is the same God as Christians and juifs.Le God of Abraham and Moses. I found that Islam does not promote hatred of non-Muslims, nor the massacre of innocent people.
By studying Islam I found answers that the media does not tell us, and I came to know that Islam is true religion. Alhumdulilah! I read a lot of evidence, but things proved to me that there is a god and that Islam is the religion true and that the Koran is God's world ... Things about science. Things that have been discovered by scientists only in the last 100 years. The only one who could have known these things 1,400 years ago was God.
For example, one day I was on a website that talked about some of the evidence in the Qur'an. One of the verses in the Quran says about the death of our own solar system.
(Surat Al-Rahman)
(verse) 37. When the sky is rent asunder, when it will be as rosy as skin color or red .
(verse) 38 . Which of God's blessings will you deny?
There was a link that went to the NASA website.
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap991031.html Tears came to my eyes. I knew that - that Islam is the true religion of God. Mash'allah! Only God could know.
September 12, 2002, my birthday, scientists using the Hubble space telescope they found a second nebula Rose. A gift from God to all mankind. This time scientists have called it by its rightful name, "Rose Nebula. "
http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/space/09/12/hubble.rose/ After accepting in my mind and in my heart that the Islam is the true religion, I knew I was already a Muslim and the only thing to do was to profess my faith.
I watched an Internet directory mosques. I called one in another city and told the person who answered the phone that I wanted to convert to Islam, and he has asked me when I could make my Shahada (profession of faith). He told me to be there at 16 pm Saturday 00 imam would also be there. I arrived as scheduled, because God had planned, I started my new life. Mash'allah!
I realized that this day was the greatest event of my life. I always thought the most wonderful thing happened to me was the day I married my husband. The most important day of my life was the day I've made my Shahada and accepted Islam. It was the day I realized that Islam is the way and I decided to practice it. I can not
say that my conversion to Islam has thrilled my husband. He believed what the media said about Muslims and religion.
He did not like that I went to the masjid [mosque] several evenings a week and he was bored at home alone. One night after he is finished complaining about me to the mosque (masjid) again as I sat down and I calmly told him that "I never ask you to practice religion than you think not.
I love you too much to try and force yourself to that. But I want you to learn about Islam so that you understand me. "I then stood up and got dressed to go to the masjid (mosque). I kissed him and said goodbye.
When I returned home I found that his attitude had changed completely. He was smart and gay. That night, before going to bed, he began to learn about the beautiful religion of Islam.
My husband started going to the masjid (mosque) with me. While studying with women, he spoke with a man and asked him questions. At home he read things on the Internet, and books he had borrowed the masjid (mosque). We discussed various things he learned ... When the day
came he talked about how some aspect of Islam should be practiced, as if it were a fact, it was something I did not know, I asked him to tell me " how you know this? ? ? "And he replied," Because it is in the Koran! ! "I was stunned!
He believed! Alhumdulilah! He knew that Islam was true! Mash'allah! If it was in the Qur'an regarding AC was true! thirty-six days after I publicly professed my faith in God and his messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), my husband has professed hers. Mash'allah! We had an Islamic wedding ceremony the same evening. I cried when my husband made his Shahada.
A month before, a man at the mosque asked me what I thought a chance that my husband convertisse.Je him abruptly said "zero. "I said," I can not imagine someone change so much belief in believing something else for 70 years. But 14 days before his seventy-first birthday he has embraced Islam. Alhumdulilah! (Now named Muhammad Evans)
In the Muslim community we have found another family. We have found friendship, love and acceptance who were taught in the Christian religions that we practiced at different points in our lives, but we never felt really existed among most members of churches where we went.
Most Muslims in our area are immigrants, but we found no intolerance of Americans, whether Muslim or pas.Nous we always felt welcome and accepted.
Since we embraced Islam we found direction and purpose to our lives. We found the meaning of our existence. We came to realize that we are really here only for a short period and what comes after is better than the fleeting pleasures that this world offers us.
I found a sense of security about life after death that I had never known before.
Khadija Evans -
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