Merve Kavakci is Muslim.
Muslim politicians expelled from Parliament to Wear a Veil (Istanbul, Turkey)
Since being expelled from the Turkish parliament for wearing a hijab, Merve Kavakci became defenders of the right to wear the hijab. Ms. Kavakci gave speeches on CNN, the House of Lords (the House of Lords) and Harvard University. She teaches

Kavakci (Muslim Party) came to Parliament in May 1999 to serve the constituents who elected her. Parliamentarians (man and woman), Kavakci welcomed with shouts "Get out, get out! "The hostile cries continued for forty minutes and were arrested

" I was terrified, "recalled Kavakci.
Eleven days later, Kavakci lost their citizenship as a citizen of Turkey and was

Kavakci's mother lost her teaching position at Ataturk University because she chose to wear the hijab. And his father, Imam Yusuf Ziya Kavakci also had to resign for having supported the right to wear the scarf he was the dean of Islamic studies at university. Kavakci has continued its fight to change government policy in Turkey , introduissant a lawsuit against Turkey at the court Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.

These bans are in violation of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international covenants and laws.
"The states can indeed be secular," said Kavakci, but "is what people can or should be forced to become secular? It is legitimate to require someone to let his religious beliefs at home while he or she crosses the frame of the door? "Kavakci believes that the struggle of secular governments aggression with women who want to wear the hijab will not end soon and that this struggle reflects" a deep and growing misunderstanding between Muslim women and the rest of the world. "

Thousands of women have had their access to higher education shortened, "said Jonathan Sugden, a researcher on Turkey for the Human Rights Watch. Women who choose to cover their heads he said, "can not get into college or are evicted ..."
Arionakeha Elijah, in sixth grade at school Salmon River, was suspended for wearing a red bandanna to mark his rite of passage as a member of the Iroquois tribe indiène.Il U.S. has three months' imprisonment. (Fort Covington, New York, Etats-Unis)
Officials of a school in the United States have suspended Nashala Ahearn age of 12 years for refusing to remove her veil.
Sikh These children can not go to school in France because they wear turbans. The laws of Secularism in France ban religious symbols "apparent" in schools and state buildings.
YET IN FRANCE: Section 225-1 of the Penal Code provides:
"Discrimination comprises any distinction between individuals because of their origin, sex, marital status, their health status, disability, their manners, their political opinions, union activities, membership or their non-membership, real or supposed, to an ethnic group, nation, race, or religion. (...) "
Article 225-2 provides:
" The discrimination defined in Article 225-1, committed against a person or entity, is punishable by two years imprisonment and F 200,000 (30,000 €) fine when it involves: 1 °
the refusal to supply a good or service (...) 4 ° A condition of supplying goods or services to a condition based on one of the items referred to in Article 225-1 "
secularism of French laws forbid a child wearing a yarmulke to go to a French school publique.Rabbin: Wear hats, no caps, in public
Article 225-1 of the Penal Code provides:
"constitute discrimination: any distinction between individuals because of their origin, sex, marital status, their health status, disability, their manners, their political opinions, union activities, membership or non-membership, real or supposed, to an ethnic group, nation, race, or religion. (...) "
Article 225-2 provides:
" The discrimination defined in Article 225-1, committed against a person or entity, is punishable by two years imprisonment and F 200,000 (30,000 €) fine when it involves: 1 °
the refusal to supply a good or service (...) 4 ° A condition of supplying goods or services to a condition based on one of the items referred to in Article 225-1 "

Alma and Lila Levy Levy converted to Islam.
Alma Levy, sixteen, and Lila Levy, eighteen years
both converted to Islam were high school at the Lycee Henri-Wallon in Aubervilliers, France. They discovered Islam through their grandparents, Lila attended Reims in a conference on "Islam and Palestine." She then enrolled to receive information from the Emergency Islamique.Les two girls ventured alone, aided by "friends and books" on the path of pratique.Depuis with friends, including the father one of them

Article 225-1 of the Penal Code provides:
"constitute discrimination: any distinction between individuals based on their origin, their sex, their family situation, their health status, disability, their manners, their political opinions, union activities, membership or non-membership, real or supposed, an ethnic group, nation, race, or religion. (...) "Article 225-2
"Discrimination as defined in Article 225-1, committed against a person or entity, is punishable by two years imprisonment and 200,000 F (30,000 €) fine when consists of: 1 °
the refusal to supply a good or service (...) 4 ° A condition of supplying goods or services to a condition based on one of the items in the Article 225-1 "

since mid-October because she refused to remove her headscarf, has been ruled permanently
the institution following a disciplinary council.

Miriam, a young 22 year old Lyon who embraced Islam after a trip to Tunisia. Very religious, Miriam wears the veil, except at work and at home (obviously). If she has expressed her choice to her mother, who is struggling to accept it, his father is still unaware.
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