My journey in Islam is what one might ie not usual. Most converts I've met are white on one side from "liberal" and a very open back. My education was far from ceci.Mes parents were both U.S. military and my upbringing was very strict. My father was very racist, and for this reason, I was very racist myself until about age 24. I still recall when my father listened child criticizing and insulting Arabs and Muslims and criticism of religion, their way of life .... it was how I was raised and this is the position I had taken.
My childhood was very concern. My father was an alcoholic and very physically abusive man. I grew up with the constant fear of violence against me, my mother, my brother and me soeur.Il only seemed natural that I seek a group of people to replace family life ... The problem is that the people I sought were the worst of the worst: the skinhead.

For several years I have been heavily involved in the racist movement skinhead.Je was not happy to be a disciple, but I always had the pleasure to take the lead. I was well known and feared in the city I grew up.
The home situation is worse for me and I was forced to move out while I

I began to see that all the lies that covers my life ... That's when I started wondering about all my life, including my religious belief ... I am married with a girlfriend. She was also active in the racist skinhead scene and there was always this concern that I offended with my new ideas and pensée.J 'had always been an avid reader, I finally put together a small library of books which now consists of over a thousand books, Kant, Descartes Ramadan ... I started reading books on Eastern history and politique.Mon father had a hatred of Islam and a teenager I had shared this hatred without having a clue about Islam.
Soon time after work my wife was transferred to England, was on the verge of any changer.J 'were in a new country with a long and rich history, so I spent some years exploring the history and traveling across Europe.J 'were now in a country with a Muslim community long and well established. I started reading about the belief, ideology, and Islamic history. I also started reading the Qur'an.
I always questioned the idea that God would never had offspring. From my reading (biblical, historical ...) I identified this belief as fired a pagan sources. Zeus, Odin, and many other pagan gods all had children. In the case of Odin, his followers even believed that her child was caught on a tree, just as Christians believe that Jesus (PBUH) was hung on a cross. Odinists, the name given to followers of this religion ancient Northern European, also believed in the trinity formed by Odin, his son Thor, and his wife Freja. It was clear that this innovation of Christians did not have its basis in God but in the previous pagan beliefs.
The other question which I always struggled with was the concept sin originel.Il always seemed to me that Christians are not the answer to these questions. I looked Judaism, but that religion has provided more questions than answers. It seemed clear that Islam had all the answers. He cleared up the confusion lies in the trinity, and told the true role of Jesus (peace be upon him) as prophet, and not the son of God. Islam recognizes all the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them).
As I said before, I married a woman who came from the same culture as me, she did not ... This facilitates easy things came thereafter to the point where I could not practice my new religion and I had to stay married ... and we separated.
Before I left England I went with a young Lebanese man I met in London where I said my Shahada in mosquée.Quand I left my ex-wife I was Forced to leave England. I quickly got a job for the U.S. government in Alaska, I took the opportunity to continue to read and explore Islam, the Internet and other sources.
I traveled in the Washington area for business where I made friends with Muslims. I was
divorced for several years and I knew that one of the main ways to accomplish religion is the mariage.Un new friend told me he knew a sister who wanted to marry, so he asked if it ' was correct to give me her number ... I called him and we talked for hours. We exchanged addresses and e-mail during the next three days we talked about dozens of hours. It was a good Muslim woman and very religious so she could teach me about religion. Not only she could teach me religion, but it could help me with Arabic. We talked on the phone and through E-mail for several months.
We decided, with the permission of his family, that I would visit during Ramadan of this year's dinner breaking the fast. I was very nervous, my wife and family are Saudi Arabia, both parents born in the Mecque.J 'had a lump in my throat, to meet this wonderful woman. I arrived just before dusk and I gathered my bags and waited for a taxi.
When it was my turn I jumped on the taxi. When I got into the taxi that I hailed with "Asalaamu Alaykum" and he returned the greeting. The sun had set, he asked if I was fasting, and when I answered in the positive, he gave me one of his own dates to break my fast, this nice older gentleman was of Afghan origin.
At the door I just said "Bismillah" and knew that God would choose the best for me. All kinds of scenarios played through my mind. She would like, but I hate family ect .... Finally I arrived at the door rang.
What seemed like dozens of people answered the door, older family, my age, sisters, son, daughters, friends and family. I was warmly welcomed and invited to enter home.

I returned to the region in January when we got married before friends and family. We took a nice honeymoon, I moved and took a job with a division of my company here (united states). At first sight it might appear that the house of my childhood were all far from Allah, but this was not the case. Allah always knew me, he directed me to become a Muslim man and I am today.
People say that miracles do not happen today, but I say that my story proves it.
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